Queen Elizabeth I

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*Authors Note~ So, this isn't a story, just a small essay I did for school about Queen Elizabeth I..... it's very short, just a few facts, but I like it so I hope you guys do too! Enjoy!*

Queen Elizabeth I was born on September 17, 1558, to King Henry VIII of England, and his second wife Anne Boleyn.

She never really knew her mother, as Anne Bolen was beheaded on Tower Green in the Tower of London when Elizabeth was only two years old. She was accused of witchcraft, high treason, incest and adultery.

Her father is famously known for having six wives - Catherine of Aragon (divorced; later died), Anne Boleyn (beheaded), Jane Seymour (died after giving birth to her only son; Edward), Anne of Cleves (divorced), Catherine Howard (beheaded) and Catherine Parr (died after Henry).

Elizabeth hes four known siblings - Mary I (daughter of Catherine of Aragon), Edward VI (son of Jane Seymour) and Henry FitzRoy (son of one of Henry's mistresses, Bessie Blount).

After Henry died when Elizabeth was 13, his son Edward succeeded him as Edward VI of England. When Edward died at age 15, he named Jane Grey as his successor, who is known for being "Queen for nine days". She was later beheaded by Mary I.

After Mary, who was a devout Catholic, became Queen, she imprisoned her Protestant half-sister Elizabeth in the Tower of London for fear of a Protestant uprising. She is known as "Bloody Mary", because she killed many Protestants who wouldn't change to Catholicism.

When Mary died, Elizabeth became Queen Elizabeth I of England and Ireland. She then ruled until she was 69. She died in 1603.

During her reign, famous poets and playwrights, such as William Shakespeare, were popular.

Elizabeth also faced threats from Mary, Queen of Scots who was distantly related to her via her father's sister, Margaret. People who wanted to restore the country to the Catholic religion were plotting against the Queen, so she imprisoned, and later had someone kill her cousin.

After her death, Elizabeth was succeeded by James I, the son of Mary, Queen of Scots. Elizabeth never married or had children, so she was the last of the Tudor dynasty.

*Hope you guys liked it! Remember I'm only 14, so sorry if it isn't the best! Thanks for reading! :)*

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