19. Sweet Sweet Melody

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i am so so sorrry for not updating! i thought i would be really free this weekend, but i actually had a lot of homework and a bit of writers block so yeah. i am so excited for what i have in store for this story, i just need to build up some fillers until then (x and i made the cover and first chapter of my new story, just unpublished. im really excited about that one because it's really different and yeah (: 

btw, omfg 5 SECONDS OF SUMMER FOLLOWED ME ON TWITTER ((the overall band account))



anyway, ill try to update (: x 


Miley's POV:

"You're such a fucking creep," I comment as I cross my arms across my chest and look up from the magazine I previously set down.

"Shhh," Harry looks at me with his right index finger pressed to his pink lips, then turns his full attention back to the sleeping beauty beneath him.

"You do realize that she'll wake up and get a heart attack and then kill you right?" I raise an eyebrow. My step-brother's body is practically hovering over her, his arms on either side of her head as she is sleeping. It is beyond freaky. 

"Frankly, I don't give a shit. She's so beautiful," he mutters admiringly and continues to stare at her, occasionally blowing away the loose strand on her face.

"You're so lucky she's a deep sleeper," I chuckle as he just smiles.


A lot has definitely happened during these three days. It's like I can never find Selena without Harry; he's always following her around and wrapping his arm around her waist. Not surprising. What's surprising is that she lets him. She would look up at him, roll her eyes, but nonetheless pull him towards her. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love them together. In fact I was dying for this to happen, but it's just a bit weird seeing Selena so...weak for him. Selena is most definitely not the girl I would relate to the word 'weak'. 

"So, who was that guy?" Harry speaks up, interrupting me from my thoughts.


"The one at the bar?"

"Oh, him."

"Are you cheating on Sean?"


"Really, Miley? You forgot who your boyfriend is?" he rolls his eyes, "You're so inconsiderate."



"Oh, uh, Sean, as in Selena's cousin."

"Who else would I be talking about?" Harry shoots me an annoyed look, "You know he's my friend right?"

"Yeah, um, we broke up," I lie.

"Seriously? Oh, I didn't know that," he mumbles under his breath.

"Yeah, it was a mutual agreement. You know, just not working out."

"Oh, that's a shame. I like him," he answers.

"Of course you do, he's just like Selena."

"Precisely," he smirks and looks back down at the brunette whose snoring has ceased. She shifts her body around and finally slowly opens her eyes only to be met with piercing green ones.

Selena's POV:

I scream. 

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" I pick up my pillow and repeatedly hit him, similar to the first night I found myself in his bed. 

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