TrueMU and Deadlox 5

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Hay, guys! I'm trying to write as fast as I can but, I forgot how to English. Sowwy. But! Pwease enjoy the next chapter in this series. Also...... NEVERMIND, I forgot what I was going to say... Ignore possible grammar and spelling errors. It's 2am.

Ah! I remember! Sowwy it's kinda short.

As always, please comment telling me how to write better, what to fix, what you want, etc. etc. and all that fancy jazz.



Jason's POV

***note: These { } mean TrueMU is thinking in his head. These " " obviously mean he's talking out loud***

{He actually did it...} I stared at his bruised face as I tried to catch my breath from the recent battle. "You still haven't answered my question." It's hard to speak with no breath.

"What question?" The way he looked at me. Like a lost puppy, it hit me kinda hard.

"Don't play dumb." I scowled.

He gave up. "I went because you were dying. Because of that damn squid. You saved my life, so I returned the favor." What was I supposed to say.

{C'mon, think of something to say. There has to be a comeback for this. "Oh no, you didn't have to save my life. I would've been better off dead"? Stupid, stupid, stupid...}

Deadlox's POV

***Same rules apply with the { } and the " "***

I could see the frustration in TrueMU's eyes as he tried to think of something to say to defend himself. I scoffed at his defenselessness.

{The way he mumbles to himself is adorable}

"What?" asked TrueMU. My eyes widened realizing I had just said my thoughts aloud.

"Did I just say that out loud?" I asked. TrueMU nodded, his face red as a tomato. I could feel my face burning as well. I facepalmed. "Sorry, that was supposed to stay in here," I exclaimed, pointing to my head.

"That's fine." I could feel TrueMU's nervousness as I placed my hand on his leg. I bent over and kissed his forehead. Unlike the times before, he didn't jump. In fact, I think he even leaned in a little bit.

"Do I still have a fever?" he asked, looking up with big eyes.

"Oh, don't play innocent," I protested, slightly agitated by what he was trying to do. He straightened up and got serious. He gave me the same look a child has when their toy is taken away by the parent. The pouty lip, the crossed arms, and everything. He turned, got up, and started to walk away. "TrueMU, don't do dis!"

"Take a shower! You dirty warrior!" he called back. I could hear the smile in his voice. He wasn't mad at all. So I smiled, and relaxed.

~~~~~~~~20 minutes later~~~~~~~~~

Jason's POV

As I was walking up the stairs and telling Deadlox to shower, I couldn't keep a straight face. I uncrossed my arms, opened my door, and sat down at the old desk in the corner of my room.

I heard someone walking up the stairs. I assumed it was Deadlox, since Sky and Dawn were in their room, doing whatever. (((Not that, you perv...)))

I jumped up for no apparent reason and slammed my head on the shelf above the desk. The fell back, yelling out in pain, and collapsed onto the floor. I curled into the fetal position holding my head and feeling a warm liquid. I knew immediately that it was blood. The last thing I saw before passing out was the door flying open and two, worried, brown eyes looking down at me.

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