Chapter Twenty-Two - Please Don't Kneel On One Knee!

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I regretted looking at his phone. I should have just left it where it was. How could he have cheated on me? He literally never left my side. He even said that he had no friends that were girls. But I was sure that if this Lisa wasn’t a secret, she wouldn’t have told him to ring me when I was asleep. She didn’t want me knowing about her. Why did she have to exist? Ryan was mine. Well, not anymore.

Who was Lisa? Who the hell was she? I couldn’t walk out without knowing. It would kill me to walk out without letting him explain anything. He was going to be angry with me, though. He was probably going to think that I was rooting through his messages. Technically, I was. Unless I explained everything first. I couldn’t wake him up yet, though. I didn’t want him to see me like this.

Then an idea popped into my head. What if I spoke to Lisa without even bothering to wake up Ryan? I was a genius. As silently as possible, I crept out of the room, his phone still in my hand. Taking a deep breath in, I bravely called the girl I suspected to be Ryan’s other girlfriend.

‘Hello, Ryan?’ she said, answering the call almost immediately. My heart sank. She had a lovely voice, sounding as though she was singing through the phone. Was I just imagining things because the enormous amount of jealously now burning inside of me?

‘This isn’t Ryan. Who is this?’ I nearly growled down the phone. This girl, no matter how nicely she was speaking to me, was not going to be my friend. I hated the thoughts of another girl being with Ryan, kissing the lips I was meant to be kissing, loving the lad I loved so much … What was I going to do without him? Crumple up and die seemed a good option at that moment …

‘Oh, Laura, is that you?’ the girl chuckled.

‘Yes.’ I said flatly. How did she know it was me? My heart sunk even more than it already was. Ryan must have been telling her about me, mocking me behind my back. He must have told her I was sleeping in his house tonight. Why the hell was she laughing? This was certainly not a laughing matter. It was such a pity that I wasn’t violent – I would’ve loved to kill her. Give her what she deserves for basically ruining my whole entire life.

‘I swear, I am really going to kill Ryan. I told him that he should have introduced me to you at the start! But oh no, he decided to wait until the last minute! Look what’s happening now! You’re probably going to break up with him all because of me. He just ruined it for the both of yous, and he was so happy with you and now you’re going … Oh, I seriously am going to murder him! I’m sorry, Laura, but you’ll have no boyfriend left after I’m finished with him!’

‘Listen, I don’t want to have a little chat with you! I want to know who the hell you are!’ I yelled, tears falling down my cheeks. ‘Don’t you understand how horrible this is for me?’

‘I’m his mother, Laura. I’m Lisa Finch.’

I felt like an absolute idiot. He must have called his mother Lisa usually, and that’s why she was named that in his contacts. I couldn’t believe I shouted at his mother. I couldn’t believe I was so rude to her. I couldn’t believe I got so worked up over nothing. She probably wanted Ryan to ring me when I was asleep because she didn’t want to interrupt our time together. Lisa was just his mother. But, her last name wasn’t Morris. She couldn’t be his mother if she was a Finch, could she?

‘Are you lying to me? Ryan’s surname is Morris.’ Who did I think I was, inspecting his own mother? Sherlock Holmes?

Lisa laughed. ‘Didn’t he ever tell you that I divorced his father?’

‘Oh,’ was all I could say. I didn’t know what to say to her now. I had just made a complete fool of myself. She was bound to hate me now, and I hadn’t even met her yet. Wonderful. Right now, all I needed to do was apologize. ‘I’m so sorry, Ms Finch.’

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