Chapter 6- 'I don't know it's just wrong. Like kicking a puppy.'

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A/N: I love all your comments on this story already definetely puts a smile on my face! And you guys are getting the gist of this story, its not all about blood and gore, its mainly humour and a big fat mystery ;) 

Thank you to AllinBlack for the awesome banner!

Enjoy people and as always comment when you're done and tell me your thoughts!


Judging by the look on Miss Vines face, she didn’t know whether to laugh or gasp in shock that a student just offered her a magic brownie.

We never got to find out if she wanted the brownie however because before she answered, our Principal marched over to us with fire coming out of his ears.

At the time I think the exact thought that crossed my mind was 'I think this is how we are all going to die.' Turns out I was getting way ahead of myself, although his wrinkled face did look ready to shove an umbrella up each and every one of our asses and open it.

“Well, I hope your little party was worth it because you are all in so much trouble you can kiss your education goodbye.” He seethed, looking between all of us. He turned as he noticed the little ginger kid stood in the side lines looking like a deer caught in the headlights “Kevin, I am very surprised at you. I thought you were a lot better than this.”

We all looked over the ginger kid who now had a name, and he was staring with his mouth hanging open debating on what to say. Someone spoke for him though.

“In all fairness, I don’t really think he had much to do with this he was just a bit slow on the escaping part.” Mr Cook defended him.

“Hey, if you're going to defend him you can put in a good word for us as well!” Gavin protested.

“It doesn’t matter who is more involved, what matters is that you all attended this ridiculous party. This is a felony, you are all underage and from what I’ve heard not only are you in possession of alcohol but there is drugs on the property as well.” Jaden quickly threw the plate of brownies over his shoulder and out of sight. Principal Gregory was fuming “The police are going to have a field day with this.”

All of our eyes popped out of our heads at the mention of men in uniform.

“You’re not really calling the police on us are you?!” I exclaimed, shitting myself as I realised not only were we definitely going to get kicked out of the school, but now there was a risk of us getting arrested due to the fact we were the ones caught with all this stolen alcohol and the weed filled cakes.

“You bet your lives I am. I have had enough of you kids thinking you can run riot in my school and get away with it.” The Principal replied, reaching into the pocket of his jacket and pulling his phone out.

Archie jumped off of the table “Listen, you can’t call the police. None of us brought any of this crap with us it was already here!”

“You’re the ones left by it though, doesn’t look good does it?”

“Come on man, give us a break. It’s not like this is the first time its happened, this has been going on before we even started coming to this school!” Archie tried to reason with him, realising we were all seriously screwed right now.

“And I am the one to put an end to it, unfortunately you were the ones caught red handed.” Principal Gregory didn’t even look at him and it was obvious there was no reasoning with him. He dialled the number for the police and put the phone to his ear. He pulled it away with an irritated expression on his face “I have no signal. Adam, give me your phone.”

The End of SummerWhere stories live. Discover now