My World and Hers (a Sam Winchester love story)

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A/N: Heyyyy! So I am going to incorporate Kristena Singer into this story (if you haven't met Kristy look up Saved by an Angel by me for a description) and FYI you have to read the first one (or at least the end) to understand what's happening. Also, I'm going almost completely off the series don't be all like 'that wasn't in the series, you idjit!' This takes place in the year that Sam was originally in the cage with Lucifer and Michael. Anyway, as some of my lovely readers already know, I love comments and please feel free to give me a heads up on any suggestions and stuff!! Your guys may or may not have seen the teaser the chapter 19 of the Castiel story, but I might have edited stuff in this...

I open my eyes to darkness. I can barely see, but I notice several things. First, it's cold. Second, my head is killing me. Third, I am soaking wet. And fourth, I'm not alone. I can...feel someone coming closer. I don't know if they can see me, but I'm immediately wary.

I scramble to my feet, my eyes scanning the vague shapes in front of me. There's slight movement from a tall shape that I guess to be a tree. That's all the indication I need. I turn and take off in the opposite direction.

This may sound fun or exciting, trust me it's not. My heart is beating out of my chest, I keep stumbling from my dizzy head, and things keep appearing out of the darkness and mist. I trip up and fall down an embankment, hitting hard objects and sharp points as I fall. I land with a resounding 'thump'.

I'm too stunned for a second to move. The air was pushed right out of my lungs and I'm about ready to puke. Slowly, painfully, I roll onto my side, and then my stomach, pushing myself to a position on my hands and knees.

Someone, kicks me in the stomach and sends me flying several feet. I skid through what feels like leaves before coming to a painful stop. What is happening? My mind is spinning with confusion.

"You must be important if the angels brought you here," someone growls at me from above.

I blink up at the face of someone I don't recognize and scream. I don't scream because the guy has what looks like a bullet whole in his head or because of the blood coating his hands. I scream because when I look at him, his eyes are solid black.

The back of his hand connects with the side of my face so hard, I fall down. I groan, clutching my aching jaw in my hand. Did he break my jaw? What the heck is strong enough to break my jaw?

"I'm going to enjoy torturing you."

Excuse me? Did I just hear him say he's going to torture me? And enjoy it?

As I'm contemplating my apparent destruction, there's a sound and then the guys body falls to the ground right next to me. There's electricity and sparks coming from his body. Letting out a short shriek, I back pedal from the dead body. Then I realize that I'm still not alone. Two men stand above me, looking as thoroughly confused as I am.

One man is tall and the other one is really tall. The shorter of the two is clutching a knife in his hand that's cloaked in blood. What have I gotten myself into?

 <Sam's POV>

Dean and I were hunting a demon in the forest at 12:00 when all three of us stumbled upon a girl. We took her back to the motel, where she has not taken her cautious gaze off Dean the entier time. We were all silent on the car ride to the motel and the only contact we had with her was when we told her it would be best if she came with us.

"So what the hell were you doing in a forest in the middle of the night?" Dean asks.

She doesn't stop looking at Dean, her eyes focused mainly on his hands.

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