The Clown

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I woke up at 7:00 as usual and looked out the window to see the beautiful looks of my garden. The pink leaves of one tree perfectly accompanied the red leaves of another. My mum always had loved gardening. I got dressed and was about to walk down stairs for breakfast when I noticed something on my desk. Deciding that I had a few minutes to spare, I walked over to my desk. The object that had caught my attention was a small bit of paper. That is, it might of used to have looked like paper once in its lifetime. Now it was yellow with age and looked like something had been spilled on it. I picked up carefully and read it.

"You look so angry when you sleep! You need to lighten up! I made your family all look so happy!"

Trying to understand this cryptic message, clearly written by someone who wasn't exactly completely sane, I looked underneath the note and saw a picture. It was a picture of me sleeping but with a minor detail. Just behind me you can see a white face with big black eyes and orange hair. The most disturbing thing about this strange photograph was the gigantic smile that the photo contained. My eyes grew big with fear. I had seen this face before. Yesterday when my mum was driving me-

I stopped. I had just realized that I could here no movement or sounds coming from around the house. It was as quiet as if it was the middle of the night. My heart started pounding hard. I reached out forward forward for the handle. The cold metal made it feel like I was touching ice. I moved the handle down. The door clicked and swung open. The sight of what I next saw stopped my heart for a couple of seconds. There, right in front of my face on the wall was my family. They were dangling from ropes that had been badly wrapped around them. There throats had been slit, and from the look of the dried blood it looked like they had been there for hours. And somehow I didn't notice. The worst part of this all was the smiles. There mouths had been pushed into a huge smile and the sides of their mouths had been cut to make their smile even more creepy and unnatural. I let out a slight whimper that evolved into a scream. A figure started walking towards me with slow exaggerated footsteps. It was a familiar face. I inspected it closer. It was the...clown. The same one that had been following me around for so long. How come I couldn't remember its face until now? Memories washed over me like a tidal wave. All of the times I had seen that face peeking over the fence of our yard. All of those times I had seen that face looking at me from the closet. I looked into the clown's eyes for the last time. The face that has been tormenting me since my birth, was going to be the last face I would ever see.      

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2013 ⏰

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