If I Don't Say This Now I Will Surely Break

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I seriously deserve the award for the worst updater.

Shoot, this title should have been the chapter for the last chapter!

 Wow, three pages?? Barely. I am horrible!!! I know I am so so so sorry, I just wanted to write something because I felt bad for making you wait. It's harder than you think to write like six pages!


Time seemed to freeze, like no joke. 

I didn't breathe I was so startled.




Why, Liam, why?

In an instant, I jumped up and began to run full-force out of the room, however, I was stopped.

Someone grabbed onto my arm as I was flailing around.

I can't see his face, no, I can't. Oh gosh, he probably hates me.

Why couldn't Liam have come in any other time BUT now?

I must have the worst luck in the world or something.

"Jessica!" people started yelling around me, but I couldn't focus.

My mind was racing a million miles an hour.

I couldn't even breathe, everything piled on way too quickly.

I can't do this, I need to get out.

"Jessica!" someone called again as I flailed, wailed, screamed, and pushed my way out of the arms constricting me, however, I was too weak or they were too strong.

"LET ME GO!" I shouted as the person gently tugged me back to the bed.

"Shh...shh...calm down"

"LET. ME. GO. I NEED TO GET OUT" I repeated, still wriggling.

"Can ya help?" Harry asked as Liam held down my legs.

"Please...please....I'm sorry....I didn't mean it, I swear, I was going to tell you-"

"Shhh, Baby, shhh, calm down-"

"I'm so sorry! Please don't be mad, please don't hate me, I was going to tell you-"


Everything around me was crazy. I couldn't see anything but flashes of color. 

"Stop with the freaking 'shh's' I can't handle it!"

"But love-"

I'm serious, I was having a full on panic attack.

Even though Harry's voice did not convey anger, it did convey hurt and disappointment. How could I have done this? Why did I even do this in the first place?

Sure, my life was boring and it was fun for a little bit, but really? How utterly stupid I was. So I played a little game and I lost...or would this be considered cheating? Since technically he found out-wait, what? 

My mind isn't even working I am in such a frenzy.

"Jessica!" Harry shouted, making me jump.

Not only was I back on the bed, but I was on Harry's lap

I squirmed to get off, to get anywhere but close to him.

Harry did have some difficultly trying to keep me held down for soon enough he got me under control.

I Wish for More Than This *One Direction Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now