Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Amalia's POV

I sat nervously, tapping my feet on the ground. We hadn't heard anything yet.

'Do you think Patrick made it?' 

Donald looked at me and shrugged.

'I'm not sure.'

Sighing, I made my way back to the couch and lay down, staring up at the ceiling.

An hour passed when the door slammed open.

I sat up quickly to see Eric's stern gaze. He looked angry, really angry. Stepping inside the house, he was followed by Reynard and then... oh my god... it was the cop back in Arizona.

The cop was dressed in casual clothes; a plaid shirt and jeans. He smiled at me and waved. I followed his hand which then clasped onto the hand of a woman.

She was pretty, with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes, which zeroed in on me, judging.

Nathan was not far that far behind them.

'I hope you understand,' he said. 'You will have to make room in the basement cells, until your word has been backed by evidence.'

The woman looked livid at this, but the cop man intervened.

'Not a problem Alpha. I understand completely, Maybel and I both do.'

'Thanks, John. This is a difficult thing to do to a former pack member and his mate but we must be sure.' Nathan sighed and led the two away alongwith Reynard.

Soon, everyone had filed in and situated themselves into the living area. Grayson lay by the window seat, Patrick and Sean desposited themselves on the floor beside the fireplace. 

I felt the space beside me get filled up by a large prescence. Two guesses who?

Eric wrapped his arm around my shoulders and held me close. I was ready to push him away when I caught Patrick's face shaking his head, urging me not to. So I let Eric hold me, for now.

He snuggled his head into my neck, his fingers playing with the hair tendrils, grazing my lower back. I didn't want to admit it, but it felt nice, really nice to be held. The last time someone hugged me was my dad, nearly four years ago before he died. I felt Eric's lips brush my ear, his slight stubble tickling me, but not in a giggly way.

'I'm glad you're okay,' he whispered, kissing softly right beside my ear.

At that moment, nothing else mattered. He did care for me, he really did. How crazy am I? He kidnapped, he bit me, he's driven me to madness the last few weeks and I'm now on the pathway to becoming a werewolf myself.

And I didn't want to leave. This is my home.

I stood up, grabbing Eric's hand and taking him upstairs. I could feel his confusion seeping out of him at my actions as we neared his bedroom. As soon we crossed the threshold and the door clicked shut, I pushed him up against it, stood on my tiptoes and kissed him.

I kissed him with everything I had possible in me, pouring all my affection, my confusion, my frustration, everything.

He moaned into my mouth and pulled me closer, his hand grazing my lower back causing a tingling sensation to shot up my spine. I felt the back of my knees hit th bed, and I realised we must have been moving. I fell back, with Eric hovering over me,one knee in between my legs and the other on the outside of my body effectively trapping me. But I wasn't scared. He leaned down and pressed his lips against mine quickly before leaving a trail of soft kisses all the way along of my jaw and down my throat. I shivered, feeling excited, dragging my fingertips up and around his back. He growled tenderly.

Then the growl intensified into a gutwrenching roar. 

Eric flew backwards into the wall, where he was pressed up against it. His eyes amber. 

'Eric' I called out to him but I got no reply. He just continued to stare at me. What was going on? Did he not like us kissing? Did it digust him?

I had no chance to voice my concerns because with lightning sped he shot out of the window, glass breaking everywhere. I ran towards it and watched as Eric ran across the lawn away from the house.

And away from me.


Sorry it's so short and very very late.

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