The Phone Call

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It was late. I was sitting in my front porch when all of the sudden my cell rang. I answered it. At first, I heard nothing but breathing. "Hello?" I asked again. Then, I heard a soft voice, saying, "Help me." I thought it was just a prank, so I hung up.

Five minutes later, my cell rang again. I answered it, and the soft voice said, "Help me." I asked who it was, and all I heard was the name "Ana." The line then went dead.

I looked at my watch. It read 12:09 p.m. I got inside my house when all of the sudden I heard a noise. It came from my back porch. I opened the door and saw nothing. Just as I closed it, I heard a moan. It sounded if it came from my front porch. I opened the door and saw a pile of feathers on the floor.

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