Chapter 16: Leaving So Soon?

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Once again, I ask people to NOT comment on who they like with Bella the most. For those of you who want to know why, I will explain it again. I know who Bella is going to end up with. I have already decided. I don't like seeing a lot of people rooting for a certain person, when I know that Bella is not going to end up with them. It just makes me feel bad. It also is pisses me off SO MUCH, when people say they hate one of my characters. Note to those people: DON'T COMMENT IT! It's honestly one of the most annoying and disrespectful things in the world. Lastly, honestly, don't give me hate just because I am asking people to do this. It is really getting annoying to get shit like that, and I am tired of that. To everyone who has been respecting that: THANK YOU! Enjoy the chapter! Thanks!

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Twitter: 1DLemonLime1






~Bella's P.O.V.~

I hummed happily to myself as I shut the door to my apartment. It had been a perfect evening. Logan hadn't asked me to be his girlfriend yet. I didn't feel disappointed. He was respecting me, and knew that I wanted to take things slow. He promised he would text me latter. I shut on the kitchen lights and screamed slightly. Emily had been sitting their in the dark, at the kitchen nook, staring blankly at the fridge. The rest of the apartment was quiet.

"Um..... Em. Are you OK?" I asked her worried.Emily didn't respond, she had a blank pondering look plastered on her face. "Em." I repeated.

"I don't know" she said in a shaky voice.

"What happened?" I asked her. It had to have to do with her double date today. "Is something wrong?" 

"Sort of" Emily broke her gaze from the fridge, and looked at me. "Harry asked me to go to Australia with him"

"That's amazing!" I exclaimed. Why did I feel a bit jealous? Why didn't Niall ask me to come. He knew I have always wanted to go to Australia. Speaking of Australia..... I spotted Hunter in the corner of the kitchen, curled up in a ball sleeping.

"It's just.... something came up" Emily said as I picked up my sleeping puppy. Hunter buried his head into my lap as I sat down next to Emily. 

"Your not pregnant are you?" I asked. "Because you and Harry are WAY to young. Wait?! Is Harry the Father?! Oh my gosh Emily why didn't you tell-"

"I'm not pregnant!" Emily interrupted me. I grinned at her.

"I could really go into acting" I giggled. Emily cracked a smile. "So are you going to tell me what is really going on?"

Emily looked down for a second. "I got a part in a movie" she said, her voice shaky.

"OH MY GOSH!" Emily I squealed hugging her. Hunter woke up, startled from my voice, and jumped off my lap. "Why didn't you tell me?" I asked her.

"Well I wasn't going to say anything until I knew that it was official. I found out two days ago. But, then Harry asked me about Australia. I don't know why but..... I told him I would go."

I stared at her confused. "Why?"

"I am afraid to lose him again. We just reconnected. I can't...... Bella. I know he is the one that I am meant to be with. If he leaves, we might never be together again. I can't live without him"

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