The Insane

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Alright originally I wrote a script to this story but I changed that and I'm going through this and changing all the chapters! I hope you all enjoy this!



The insane.


         My name is Abageal Tucker, that's right I have no middle name, I know many people that thinks that is odd, but I don't care for them, I don't care what other people think of me. People also say that I am crazy, I but I really don't believe that I am so insane that I have to be put into some kind of home, of crazy people. I am perfectly sane, there the ones that are crazy no one understands me. I cant even tell you why I'm actually here. My family thought that sending me here would be the best thing for me and everyone else. All I know is that I don't belong here and I really need to find a way out, because trying to convince these people I don't belong here is not helping me at all. Even though there is so much mental stress and mental probing here I did manage to find one person that hadn't fall far of her wagon and she was actually pretty cool. The only person that had managed to find normal was my sell mate, well roommate but this place reminds me so much of a prison I forget sometimes. But she's pretty, with long brown hair almost identical to mine, to be honest I think we had more things in common between our features than me and my mother. But her name is sure not like mine, its one of those names that you don't hear everyday so if you do find someone with that name it seems odd. Quardilia, what an odd little cookie she was. But she was my best friend and my roommate. One thing I did find a little odd about her is that she almost in some weird freakish kind of way lived a life that was very similar to mine, except for the part where her mother gave her away and hasn't spoken to her in years. I wish my mother was that way, she always gets to close to me and I don't like it, honestly I think she gets a kick out of my pain and torture. Well enough about my mother, I want you all to get to know the one person in my life that I actually care about.

      The more time you spend with a person the more you get to know them, but some times you become to close, and some times its OK, and we do fight some times but that’s how friendships are. I have siblings too but you’ll meet them later.

       Like I said before some people think I’m crazy but I, I think not, I want out of this place and me trying to be all good isn't going to work just know when I get out of this place everyone will pay that has ever even looked my way. I mean everyone in this forsaken town and then the next....


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