The Day I Fell In Love With A Demon{The End}

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 The End

          “I’m sorry,” he said.  The person I was completely unwilling to except did this.  The one person that was there all along; the only person it could have been, but I’d always been to blind to see, never wanted to see.  But now, looking face to face with Sophie’s murder, and probably my own, I had to face the one reality that I would never be ready for.

            There was only one question left on my mind, “What are you?” 

            He showed no emotion.  “I’m a demon, Kendra.”

            When he spoke my name, it was like the final bucket of cold water was running over me.  It was the one thing that made it all true.  “It all makes sense.”  I whispered, and I knew he could hear.  And it did.  Everything made sense.  It was as if my mind had been fogging up, and it was now finally clear.  Everything that never quite worked now made sense.

            Why I didn’t remember Dylan, at least not until I saw him.  I’d spent years waiting for him to come back, but only seeing him made me remember anything about him.  Now I remembered the boy I loved, for the first time in what seemed like forever, I remembered that I loved him, that I had missed him.  I remembered my Dylan.

            It also explained Sophie’s death.  Why, as everyone was telling me she was dead, it never came through.  It didn’t feel like she was gone.  It felt like she was going to be there in a few minutes.  There wasn’t enough pain of loosing her; there never was.  Even as Lacey was crying at my party, I couldn’t shed a single tear.  Now I remembered the death of my best friend.

            There were other things; like how no one had found us in such a small town for hours.  There was the fact that Vincent got stiff around the police.  The fact that he’d changed personalities suddenly; that he’d been able to find me so quickly after I left the party now made sense.

            The fact that I’d fallen in love with him without much more than I second thought.  

             The demon had been messing with my mind ever since I’d met him, making me not see things that I should have seen.  Things that, if I’d been myself, I would have understood. 

            He looked at me then, his dark eyes still nearly emotionless, as if searching for something to say.  When he said nothing, I asked in a nearly soundless voice, “Why me?”

            A thin bitter smile traced over his lips.  “Kendra, little magic, as your name states; that was never a coincidence you know.”  Memories came swirling back, this time of my gift.  That I was able to see things I’d never seen.  Understand languages and know things; these weren’t things I should have been able to do.  Before everything, they had been starting to scare me, I remembered now.  They’d been keeping me and I’d been nearly ready to tell my mom.  I said I would….on my sixteenth birthday.  He had made me forget that; I had disregarded my gift while with him, I remembered in shock. 

            He went on.  “When you were very young, your father made a deal to the demons for his soul; save his family and he was sacrifice himself for a crime he committed.  I will not tell you right now what it was, but I’ll tell you it was not enough for one life.  So it was a compromise; you would be prophet to the demons.  Your mother would keep you until you were sixteen.  Then your soul was ours.”

            My father, whom I don’t really remember, sold my soul.  This was probably the greatest shock so far, but I had a feeling something worse was about to come. 

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