Finding Me

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  • Dedicated to cjholly

This chapter is dedicated to cjholly (sorry cjholly, it won't let me dedicated it to you for some reason. But here ya go!) 


The room Seven locked me in was small, you could probably fit five people in here, if you were lucky. In the room there was a small twin bed and a mini refrigerator that was stacked with many different kinds of foods. There was a door on one side of the room that led to a tiny bathroom furnished with enough toiletries to last me a month or so.

After observing the room, with teary eyes, I all but crawled over to the bed with a cloak of sadness wrapped around me. Curling into a ball, I snuggled into the black pillow with a river of tears streaming out of my eyes. Cuss words ricocheted around in my mind, all of them flinging towards the thought of Seven and how he left me here.

I clutched the pillow tighter at the thought he might die. Leaven was in fact lethal and it tore me apart to think of Seven dying all to protect me.

Roping my hand around my waist, I wept even harder at the fact that Seven was not just protecting me but his unborn child, which he doesn’t even know about.

“Please don’t die or get injured, Seven. We need you,” I muttered softly as I tried to calm down.

It wasn’t long before my eyes dried out and I couldn’t release anymore tears. Yet, I still laid there soaking in guilt and saddened thoughts.

A lifetime had passed, or so it felt like, before I heard the heavenly sound of a lock clicking unlock. Pushing the pillow away from me, I jumped off the bed and raced up the stairs. “Seven!” I joyously yelled.

The door opened and I gave a wide grin as I looked at the person before me.

My smile all too soon fluttered down into a frown. My feet slowly backed down the stairs while I started to have fear course through me.

“Hello Anna, miss me?” Leaven’s voice humorously asked.

Slowly, he walked down the stairs. His stride held a certain pride, as if he had just won a million dollars.

I felt my stomach sink as I thought of how he might be prideful at the fact he killed his brother. That had to be it, I thought.

“Not gonna give me a ‘so nice to see you Leaven’?” He asked as his feet reached the last step, yet Leaven didn’t step down from it. He kept himself perched up on the last stair all while giving me a scrutinizing look. “Okay, fine don’t say that,” he said with anger leaking in his deep tone. Finally stepping down, Leaven managed to back me into the wall. With a diabolical expression planted on his face, Leaven softly touched my face. “We are going to have so much fun together Anna,” locking eyes with me he smiled. “Well, actually I am not sure how much fun you will have but I will enjoy every minute as I torture you. Maybe you will be forgiven in the end and who knows, I might allow you to live.” Keeping his grin planted on his face, Leaven leaned in. He placed delicate kisses on my jaw and traced them up to my ear. “But after I get down with you, you’ll be begging for death.”

My body trembled at his words for I could hear that Leaven was in no way bluffing. He was in fact going to break me down, over and over again all because of Seven and my ‘disobedience’. Leaning back on the wall, I wished nothing more than to just disappear, but that was just a childish hope. “Leaven-” I started to say, but Leaven placed his index finger on my lips.

“Your voice is sweet as cotton candy, Doll, but I really don’t want hear it,” Leaven stated. His hand grazed my face once more as he looked at me straight in the eyes. “It saddens me to think I have to wait just a little bit to punish you, but all good things happen to those who wait.”

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