Changing You 4 - Damn, That Guy's Hot!

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Well here's another chapter ;D Sorry it took me so long but I wasn't too much at home for some time now and yeah, I don't write when I'm with friends ;D Anyway, school's over now (summer break until 5th september :D) and I have more free time because I can stay up longer.

I have an editor now and this chapter is dedicated to her (for those who can't see the dedication because they are reading in an app it's kaitypie90 ;D)

The angel finally left me alone. He stopped appearing and disappearing as soon as I’d left the corridor. I think he liked my offer. I also think he was going to try getting Shane to change his look. Hopefully Shane would listen to him and change. With his current look, no one would want to date him. I mean, he’s disgusting. His hair was already giving me the creeps. I shook my head to get his picture out of my mind. Don’t think about disgusting guys. Think about hot ones. Especially like Future Shane. Oh, I was so hoping that Future Shane was going to get Shane to change. I would immediately date him… Nevermind, I wouldn’t date him even if he did change. He’d still be Shane the loser.

Okay, now I needed some time to relax and get this whole story off of my mind. I needed to be alone to get it off my mind. I don’t know why but being alone always helps me. It’s somehow giving me time to think about everything. Okay, I must admit I would never be alone as long as I was at the mall, but I didn’t know the people around me, which helped a lot. I just had to hope that I won’t meet Kylie too soon. It would be a problem now because all I could think about at the moment was the Future Shane.

I still don’t know why he was stuck in my mind but he was. I sighed. I didn’t want to die, but still he asked me to do something… impossible, to save our lives. I was somehow scared. I had to choose between two things that were important to me: my popularity or my life. If I lost the first one I would also loose my life. It would kill me inside and I might even commit suicide. It was just too much for me.

Maybe I should look for a café where I could sit alone and get this all off of my mind. A coffee also wouldn’t be so bad. It could also help me getting my mind emptied. Okay, so now I was looking for a café. I needed something cozy and comfortable.

After ten minutes of search I found an interesting one. There were big, brown armchairs standing around small wooden tables. Little vases with light pink flowers were placed exactly in the middle of them. Really nice. And also the employees seemed to be nice. One woman for example was an old lady that reminded me of my grandmother.

“Jessie!” I turned around looking for who just called my name. No, not really. Does it really have to be Kylie? Why was she sitting in the café I wanted to go to? I won’t be able to forget about the Future Shane when she’s there. She’s not only a gossip type of girl, she also flirts too much and she talks way too much. Once I only wanted to know how she was and she was blabbing for about 30 minutes before I stopped her. 30 minutes! No one can talk 30 minutes about how she felt. Well, no one except Kylie. She was such a magpie - incredible.

I sighed before I ran towards her. “Heyo!” I greeted with a crooked smile. Kylie looked at me with a strange look. “What?”

“What what?” she asked playing the unknowing one.

“Why do you look at me with that strange look?” I was annoyed at her, even if she didn’t do anything. It was just because I was still thinking about this marrying Shane or dying problem.Why did I have to choose between these things? Both of them were very important decisions.

“You didn’t notice those two?” Kylie asked waving her hand towards two guys sitting at the same table as she was. They were right in front of her, how could I possibly not notice them? She was sitting there with two… extremely hot guys! I ALWAYS noticed hot guys so why didn’t I see those two? I was too distracted because of what had happened just now. I took a close look at the two guys.

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