P.S. I Love You (An Arranged Marriage Story) Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

When we got back to my apartment, I opened the door to reveal our parents sitting in the livingroom watching Law & Order. Why adults these days put themselves through that, I have no clue.

I couldn't help but want to giggle when I saw the scene in front of my eyes. Considering my dad absolutely HATES Law& Order and those types of shows, and my mom? Well, let's just say she's more of a channel 14 Spanish soap with a side order of tissues kind of person.

"Hey guys. We're home," I announced, trying to hold back laughing.

I didn't think it would be awkward to walk in. It hadn't even crossed my mind. But when they turned around to greet us, they each had their own unique expressions plastered on their faces. Expressions that made me feel awfully uncomfortable.

Mr. Collins simply had a very calm and chill look on his face, while my dad looked like he might want to rip Tristan's head off. But I think he decided not to.

On the other hand, both of our moms had the cheesiest smiles and adoring looks on their faces. It made me feel sick, because I knew that they thought we had done something. Which technically we did, but it's not like I want them to know that. Or if they do know it, I don't want to know they know it.

Agh. Nervous babbling.

"Hey kids," Mrs. Collins dragged out in a high-pitched voice, as if she were talking to a baby. "Have fun?"

Dios, what the hell am I suppose to say to that?

Oh yea, Mrs. Collins, I had so much fun making out with your son, and so much fun tricking him out in the end?

I looked at Tristan. And of course, he was standing against the door, looking off into space, listening to that dumb little iPod of his. Of course, when I need a little backup, he is of no use to me.

Well, here we go.

"Besides being abandoned in a parking lot with the spawn of Satan..." I began, but trailed off when my mom starting shooting a me a really...really...really dirty look. Well, what was I suppose to say?

Ok...Attempt number 2.

I cleared my throat a little and let out a dry laugh. "Just..kidding..um, yea. So, yea, I guess we...or I, had fun. We just went to the park down the street and-"

And to my surprise, Tristan cut in. Thankgod.

"And at first she refused to get out of the car," he said, taking out his earphones.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2009 ⏰

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