ROTG Chapter Ten: Lucey Green Shamherk

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Lucey had lived a normal life in Liverpool England. She loved by her family and friends, she had a decent job, she was neither too rich, or too poor, and she had a fantastic boyfriend to boot. Her family was of Irish blood, but they had moved to England to avoid the protostant and catholic fights. Lucey had always taken to visiting her boyfriend, Carter, in the woods by her house. She had always liked the woods. She had always thouht there would always be something new ro explore everythime she came in there.

But one day, her curiosity had gotten the better of her. She was doin her daily hikes in the woods and she found an abandoned well. Now, aboandonded things always got her into her curorious side, so Lucey walked over to it to have a look. She leaned over the side of the well. She thought she saw something shine so she leaned forward alittle more. She lost balance and fell down into the deep...dark...well...

Authors note:

Well, this is the last chapter for the first book. If you liked this one, plz read the secoud one called: ROTG fanfiction 2

I know your probobly thinking that the title isnt very creative, but, its the best I could thonk of kay? Well, thanx for reading!

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