Why We Have War (aka Little Lion)

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Why do we have war?

Probably the reason is the same,

As why when have a number of bad things,

Famine, prostitution, sex-slavery, genocide,

It is caused by one thing, in my opinion,


In pride of country, for several years, even now,

We turn our cheek in pride, away from the bad,

Speaking only of the good, because that is how we live,

In pride of our reputation, we hurt those around us,

If they are less than what we 'should' be around,

In pride of our wealth, we sell others,

To make profit, and buy big, fancy stuff,

To flash around in a big house.

In our pride, we kill those who are around us.

In our pride of a country, we send soldiers out,

With only one goal, death.

No matter how you see it, guns, bombs, mines,

Tools of pride of our strength, tools of death.

In a soldiers opinion, it is just duty,

To protect those we love, to protect our pride,

As a country.

But, yet if you look at it,

Pride is a form of love, both are irrational feelings,

That serve no purpose to help us survive,

We need not pride, nor love, to continue on,

Especially not now, when children can come from,

An unemotional night with a complete stranger,

Pride is not showing your strength,

It is doing what is right, in your opinion,

That is why pride has never been criticized,

Not as much as love, which hurts as much as it helps,

But pride is supposed to be being the best of yourself,

But, over time, it has corrupted to showing and building,

The easiest path to impress, not with pride of family,

Or pride of one's love for one's people.

Pride is molded and shaped to fit the definition,

And the definition now is corrupt,

With insecurities and greed, mixed in with contempt.

Being better than thy enemy, is all you care for,

All that matters is making them feel like you felt,

Every time you see them being praised for being better than you,

And you can try as hard as you want, as long as you are prideful,

You will fail.

Instead of pride of strength, lets call it what it used to be,

Love of those you protect, so you become stronger to take care of them,

They depend on you, in never intended to impress,

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2013 ⏰

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