Chapter 1

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Dragon of Legend is published and available for purchase on Amazon. This version is closer to the original rough draft and thus lacks editing, differs in certain aspects, and does not include bonus chapters that come with the published version.

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Dragon of Legend: Destiny

A shape hurtled through the air, casting a shadow in the lands below. Creatures of all shapes and sizes scurried for cover, none wanting to catch the eye of the majestic beast that passed overhead.

In a meadow, far away from the approaching danger, birds chirped as they flew over a small meadow. Eyeing the ground below for fat worms, they dove every so often to catch an unlucky one. As they gobbled down their early breakfast, a single butterfly flew through the field. It settled down on a yellow flower for a moment, as though to rest its weary wings. Then it took off once more, flying past a sleek doe which stepped out from among the foliage.

The doe looked right and left before gracefully walking over to the bubbling stream that made its way through the meadow. Her nose twitched as she followed the smell of water. While her ears rotated, her eyes darted around the clearing, searching for any sign of a threat.

Finding none, she relaxed. Upon reaching the stream, she took one last look around before lowering her head. As she drank and the cool water trickled down her throat, the doe's tail twitched in satisfaction.

The butterfly continued on its way, the gentle breeze making it wobble slightly off course. Yet, it flew bravely on. Passing by a rusty sword, which had most certainly seen better days, it descended and landed on a hand. Here, it folded its wings, seeming to have decided to rest.

The hand belonged to a figure of a girl. She lay there, in the middle of the grass, her eyes closed. Her long black hair was spread around her and a smile touched her lips she soaked in the warm sunrays. Were it not for her rising chest, any passerby would have thought her dead.

A large shadow passed overhead, momentarily blocking the sun. The doe's head snapped up as she tensed in visible fear. The birds' singing ceased. Forgetting the worms, they flew for the shelter of the trees. Her whole body trembling, the doe turned and followed the birds' lead, bounding for the cover of the forest behind her, away from the danger she sensed coming. The only remaining creatures were the girl and the butterfly, neither of whom seemed to have realized their impending doom.

Suddenly, a majestic male dragon landed but a few feet away from the girl. His feet sank into the ground, crushing the grass and soil below his weight. His scales, an eerie silver which verged on becoming white, glittered as the sun rays bounced off them. He gracefully arched his neck, folding his wings as his eyes came to a rest on the figure lying in the grass.

Lifting his lips, he revealed rows of razor sharp teeth. Tail swishing, he advanced. The ground trembled with every step as he approached the girl who still hadn't moved an inch. The butterfly on her hand quivered slightly, as though ready to flee. Yet, it stayed bravely with the girl it had decided to use as its perch.

The dragon was upon them. As he came to a stop his yellow eyes gleamed as they stared down at his trapped prey. Mouth opening to make use of his arsenal of teeth, he lowered his head.

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