Prologue-- The Calling

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A cloaked figure stood before a large crystal in an underground cavern. The sound of water dripping in the distance echoed off the damp stone walls. A subdued light emanated from inside the crystal, casting dancing shadows all around. Highlighted by the light, a scene was unfolding on its surface.

A young woman sat on a curb in front of what used to be a house. The wreckage behind her was burning, the flames licking the nearby trees, while the woman cried. Tears streaked through the ash on her cheeks, then came to a stop on the oxygen mask over her mouth. She appeared to be talking to herself, her lips moving rapidly in the fogged dome.

"High Priestess, what has happened?" A voice jerked the cloaked figure from her reverie, and she turned to see that more figures were crowding just inside the cave. The High Priestess drew her shoulders back, in an attempt to appear to the group as a confident leader. Her hands slowly made their way up to her hood, pulling it back. Though her stance was confident, nothing could hide the sadness in her eyes.

"He found them. The girl is alive, though in shock." The cloaked figure replied with her voice trembling slightly, her fear seemed to pour over the others. Gasps and whispers erupted at this announcement.

"Her mother-?" A male voice inquired, his tone betraying fears kept silent too long.

"She will not make it out. Water alone cannot extinguish these flames." She responded, grief thick in her voice. "Bring me the crystal."

A figure, obviously female, stepped out of the crowd to kneel at the Priestess' feet. In her upraised hands, a crystal pulsed faintly with silver light.

"We must activate the spell. The girl will not be safe unless she is here for us to hide her." As the High Priestess explained, her voice rose to carry to every person in the large gathering. She took the crystal into one hand and an athame in the other, light glinting off both crystalline surface and blade.

"Blood of my Blood, I call thee here." She chanted, over and over as she whipped the blade across the palm holding the crystal, her blood staining it crimson, dimming the light. She closed her palm around it, coating it thoroughly with her blood. When she opened it, the crystal was no longer pulsating with faint silver light, but shining with crimson light so bright that several members had to raise their arms to shield their eyes.

"She will arrive soon. Within the month." As she announced this, the crystal is drawn up by an unseen force, and hovered just above the larger crystal, the young woman's ash stained face frozen on the surface. "She must not know who we are. She has not been taught. Her powers will be unbound on the eve of her twenty-first. Someone who appears harmless must gain her trust. And see to it she is given a crystal of protection."

Several voices mumbled their agreement and moved to gather by the door, ready to carry out their duties.

"We must prepare for the spell to hide her from view. The rest of you return home, only the inner circle need remain." Most of the group filed out the door, speaking in hushed tones. Five members remain, kneeling before the High Priestess before removing their cloaks and assembling in a circle around her.

The Priestess watched as the last unneeded member left the underground room. She leaned over to join the others kneeling on the cave floor. Before she could get to the floor to steady herself, she pitched forward into the center of the circle.

"Priestess!" Gasps erupted from the remaining group.

"G-get my daughter. That took more power than I had."

"Priestess, she's not-"

"Don't argue with me. Weak or not, I am your High Priestess. My daughter will take over the coven for now. Have someone help me home."

Edited into past tense! :D Hope you are all still enjoying the story since it will be coming to a close soon!

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