Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

"A jump to the left, and then a step to the right" I sang and danced the Time Warp around the lounge. Don't look at me that way, mum left an hour ago and it came on my iPod. I'm still waiting for Louis to arrive. After yesterday he offered to come get me so that mum could still have the car. Lucky. But he was due at 12 and it was now 12.30.

I shrugged it off returning to my dancing and singing loudly as the music blared on repeat. "Lets do the time warp again!!!!" just as I sung the last word a car pulled up and I instantly ran to the window. On the way I managed to fall over my bag, a chair leg and my own feet but I still made it.

I recognized the black car as the one that the boys arrived in on the first day and jumped from the window checking to make sure I had everything. Phone: Check. Done! Okay, I need to stop drinking coffee.

The doorbell rang and I walked carefully to the door so I didn't injure myself, I was grinning madly as I opened the door. "Hey!" My face turned from a wide grin to a confused expression, "Harry?"

"Wow don't look so happy to see me" he joked.

"I thought Louis was coming to get me?" I asked him.

"Yeah, it's a long story, I'll explain in the car" I shrugged and followed behind him to the car jumping in the passenger seat. He started the engine pulling out of the driveway and onto the street.

"So what's the plan for today?" I asked, he shrugged,

"There isn't really one, its just a regular day with the boys" he answered.

"So why couldn't Louis come get me?" I asked.

Harry made a left turn before answering. "Well, you see Louis had this date with his girlfriend but he was going to cancel so you could meet the boys, we told him no because he hasn't spoken to her for a week so instead I told him that I'd come get you and we promised that we'd behave and take care of you" He told me in one short breath.

I stared at him for a moment working out whether he was lying or just plain crazy. I looked at him and he smiled at me with his eyes still on the road. "Right" I nodded staring at the crazy man operating he vehicle. "Turn around and take me home" I stated simply.

"We're going home" he smartly replied.

"My home" I told him.

"Should have been more specific when you said home" he retorted with a sly smile as we pulled into his driveway.

"Harry! You can't honestly expect me to meet people I don't know, my brothers best friends without my brother being there. I mean, me of all people!" I was the queen of awkward situations! Don't think a conversation can get awkward, ask Abby, she'll bloody manage!

"You'll be fine, trust me" he said as he turned off the engine, "I like you already, Louis will be home by three so its not like you're going to suffer without him"

"Nope" I refused crossing my arms and staring straight ahead.

"Look I promise, if you don't like it I'll take you back to your home, okay" he offered, I looked at him slyly.

"Fine" we climbed out of the car and he smiled brightly. We walked ten steps before I spoke again slowing my pace. "Harry"

"Yeah?" he walked beside me slowing as well.

"I don't like it" he let out a sigh.

"You haven't even gone inside yet" H stated like I didn't know. "Just give it a try"

"Fine, but I'm only saying no for your safety, I already know this isn't going to turn out well"

"You'll be fine" he put a hand on my arm reassuringly. Of course when I put all my focus on his comforting hand and none on my feet, trouble has already started. Tripping over my own feet and slipping backwards I fell. But before my back made contact a hand had slipped under me catching me.

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