Chapter 18 ~ Saving Sirius

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"Remus, my old friend. Have you taken your potion tonight?" Sirius went up to Lupin and held onto him tightly.

Lupin was panting like a dog, he was losing control of his transformation. There was no way Sirius could stop him from turning into a werewolf.

Harry, Hermione, and I grabbed Ron while Peter was whimpering with fear. Sirius was still trying to control Lupin.

"You know the man you truly are, Remus! The heart is where you truly live!" Sirius shouted.

Lupin dropped his wand and Peter grabbed it. Just as he was about to cast a spell on the two of them, Harry stopped him. "Expelliarmus!"

The wand flew out of his hand and he shot his eyes at us. Harry still had his wand pointed at him, but all Peter did was give him a smirk and a wave goodbye, transforming back into a rat. His outfit fell to the ground and he found his way out through the clothes. Harry and I were about to go after him, but Hermione stopped us, letting Peter Pettigrew get away.

We watched Lupin turn into a werewolf, his claws coming out and his howl growing louder. The back of his shirt ripped open and his face was no longer his face. We all backed away from them, shocked at what we were seeing.

"Run! Run!" Sirius warned us. But with Ron's injured leg, we wouldn't be fast enough to outrun the werewolf. Once Lupin was fully transformed, he threw Sirius off of him, letting him fall. We knew we couldn't go save him, but it was sure tempting to go after him.

"Come on," Harry said as we were pulling Ron on each side.

But Hermione wanted to stay. "Wait. Wait."

"Hermione! Bad idea. Bad idea," Ron whimpered.

Ron kept on repeating that over and over again in a whisper. Hermione was walking slowly towards Lupin, even though we all knew it was a terrible idea. Hermione may have been the brightest witch of our age, but what she was doing right now was not the smartest thing to do. Especially because she was walking towards a werewolf.

"Professor?" Hermione asked carefully. Nothing happened. He just stood there, whimpering like a little puppy. "Professor Lupin?" Hermione tried again.

Once he looked at Hermione, he busted a loud howl that echoed throughout the entire castle grounds. Hermione backed away with us and we all held onto Ron tightly.

"Nice doggy. Nice doggy!" Ron whimpered once again. Poor Ron. I wondered how he got into Gryffindor. Maybe it was a Weasley thing.

Suddenly, Snape came right at us, grabbing Harry by the shirt, unaware of the evil werewolf behind him. "There you are, Potter!" he said. But he was interrupted by Lupin's growl. He turned around and stood in front of us. The wolf raised his sharp paw at us but then fell to the ground by another dog. It was Sirius.

We all fell on the ground, followed by Hermione's scream and Lupin's roar. The two growled at each other and fought each other with Sirius trying to keep Lupin away from us. After Sirius bit him, he took off in the other direction with Lupin following behind him.

"Sirius!" I shouted. I ran after them with Harry right behind me.

"Come back here, you two!" Snape demanded.

But we ignored him and watched as the two dogs fought each other again. Lupin was winning the fight while Sirius was getting weaker and weaker by every swing. I ran after them again, but this time I was the one that did something stupid. I threw a rock at the wolf. And that got his attention.

I backed away, almost falling over, but Harry caught me in time and held onto me tightly. We panted very fast, hoping he wouldn't attack us. And just our luck, another werewolf howl cried from a distance. That howl made the wolf go after it and he ran off into the night.

Sirius was not lying on the ground, fatally wounded like I thought he would be. Instead, he transformed back into a human and started heading for the lake. He was limping his way down there, which meant he was hurt. Soon, he fell to the ground.

"Come on," Harry said. He started running, with me following behind him.

We headed in the Forbidden Forest, still running after Sirius to see if he was okay. We kept on dodging trees and running down hills to get to the lake where Sirius was at. But I was wondering what we were gonna do once we got down there.

"So, what exactly are we gonna do once we get to him, Harry?" I asked him. "I mean, what if he's fatally wounded? That werewolf did put up a fight with him."

"Um...well, I haven't really thought about that either, actually. It didn't occur to me that he could be close to death. I guess we'll have to figure out something when we get there."

And he was right. Sirius was lying on the ground, not moving. We ran over to him, screaming his name. But he didn't answer us.

"Sirius!" Harry shouted. He didn't move.

"Sirius!" I shouted. He didn't respond. His left shoulder was bloody and all scratched up from Lupin. I was close to tears when I saw the wound. "No. Sirius! Please wake up! Don't die, come on, wake up!" I cried. Harry hugged me tightly, trying to comfort me.

"It's okay, Max. He's not dead, he's not dead, just calm down, okay?"

But then I felt frozen. I was starting to get cold. The lake started freezing over, making everything turn into ice. Sirius' eyes shot up and right above our heads there were. Dementors around us. They were coming straight at us, sucking the happiness out of Sirius.

Harry stood up and tried casting a Patronus, but all it did was rebound the Dementors, making Harry's spell weak. "Max, you try it," he told me.

I stood up and tried to do the same thing, but I got the same result as Harry. I looked at him and he looked at me. We were defenseless. Sirius was about to die. A Dementor came right at us and started sucking out my happiness, then another one went to Harry. We were screaming at the top of our lungs, even though the pain only lasted for a few seconds. We were on our knees next to Sirius when more Dementors came at us. They were surrounding us and we couldn't do anything about it. We were dying.

The Dementors stopped as if something else caught their attention. We were panting and looking down at Sirius. He wasn't moving at all. We assumed he was dead. There was nothing left of him. I was about to cry, but then something amazing happened. A little blue ball came out of Sirius' mouth. It was like a little bit of happiness was still in him somewhere. The Dementors were still coming our way, but behind them there was a blue stag and a doe standing there.

A flash of blue light came right at us, wiping out all of the Dementors that were just there. Sirius started gasping for air and panting. His panting started to die out as he laid there. Our vision started to blur up as the blue light faded away. We felt dizzy and Harry suddenly passed out by Sirius' feet and I passed out by Harry's head.

Everything went black after that.

A/N: Hi everyone that is reading this story!

Okay well this story is about to come to an end real soon, like maybe this weekend, or sometime next week. @TheWorstIntentions and I were coming up with ideas for the sequels, and I was just like "I need to get this story done." The ideas we both came up with are like crazy y'all. I'm so excited!

Yeah there might be like 2 or three more chapters, I'm not sure yet. But I feel so accomplished, because I'm almost done! I'll feel happy, and sad when this one is over. But then that means I can work on the sequel, which you will find out the title to later! Maybe.

Okay well vote, comment, and yeah. The next chapter will be posted very soon. Bye!


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