F.S 2

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Jake's POV 

It was a slightly cold night, but a good thing it was warm inside. Loud music filled the house we were in, making bodies move to and fro without a care in the world. Even those who were naturally just pathetic when they danced didn't care; they danced like the next day was the end of the world. 

We were at some guy's party. His name was supposed to be Drake, only it turned out to be Drew. I really couldn't care less about learning people's names. Unless the person was Tyler, my best friend or Gabe, my older brother, names weren't important to me. Hell, at that moment I had forgotten my ex girlfriend's name and we'd only broken up about two weeks ago. 

I removed my phone from my ear hastily. For God's sake, I was at Drake's...I mean, Drew's party! I needn't be making calls or receiving calls. The thing about a party was socialize, get drunk, bang a girl and forget all your troubles. I needn't have been talking to that nerdy boy, whoever his name was. 

"Who were you talking to?" Tyler asked the dreaded question. 

Tyler was a little tipsy, I could tell. His hair was ruffled, suggesting he had been at it with some random girl a few minutes ago. Typical Tyler, the world was his oyster. He was an overzealous 18 year old with raging hormones and an intense passion for sex. That guy could charm the devil and he knew it. He wasn't your overly beautiful or handsome guy with the body of an Adonis, no, he was just simple, average built. Neck-long straight brown hair, a tad pale skin, brown eyes that looked like a pool of mud covered by glass and pale pink lips characterized my best friend, Tyler Kent. 

"Oh, just Gabe", I lied. 

"What does he want?" he asked. 

My eyes skimmed through the room that was producing nearly the same heat as a sauna room with all the dancing. 

"Nothing important", I shuddered, hopefully bringing an end to the conversation about my unexpected phone call. "So, got it on with...uh, whoever her name is?" 

Tyler gave me a mischievous smile. "Not yet, I need a condom". 

I chuckled, not able to help myself. "How do you forget condoms Ty?" 

"I don't know. I must have left them on my bed or something. Help me out", he said. 

I handed him my car keys. "I basically have no idea where they are in there, so you'll just have to search". 

He groaned before leaving in the direction of the door.

It hadn't been two minutes since Tyler left. I was taking a sip of my beer, scanning the room leisurely. A group of guys and girls were talking loudly on one side of the room. Since I wasn't interested on what they were talking about, I wasn't concentrating on them. My eyes landed upon this blonde beauty that had just walked into the room. She was with her friend and no doubt a joke had just passed between them as they were laughing. 

I knew the girl was Lilly, Lilly Hart. She was a grade below me but she had earned quite a reputation at school. Guys even went as far as giggling when she went past. What kind of guy giggled? It really was unfathomable for a guy to giggle, but to a lesser extent, I could understand why. The girl was simply beyond gorgeous. Her blonde hair followed her every move, with bright curls in front shining in the brightness of the room. 

Lilly Hart, Chris Hart's younger sister. How on earth do parents give birth to...something like Chris and then give birth to Lilly? Those two were simply different. Lily was outspoken, gorgeous, vibrant and gorgeous. Hmm, said 'gorgeous' already. Chris was on the other end...eh. 

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