The Life of Rylee Johnson

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Today is a very hard day. Why would it be a hard? Leaving your friends, life and many other things behind. Oh! I didn’t even introduce myself I’m Rylee Johnson and this is my life before and after I moved to Florida.

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“Mom I’m going to Sarah’s house to say goodbye” I told my mom

“Ok honey, come back before we leave to go to the airport” said my mom

I’m walking to Sarah’s house which is down the street from mine. Sarah and I have been best friends since kindergarten. So leaving her behind is like leaving a sister even though I already have a sister.

“Hey Sarah” I said

“Hey Rylee” said Sarah

“I guess this is goodbye” I said sadly

“I’m going to miss you so much” cried Sarah

“We can still talk on the phone and Skype” I said to her

“I know I’m just going to miss you at and how am I suppose to deal with all the drama without you”

“Sarah you will know what to do when that time comes, but just remember we will always be best friends forever”

“Yeah will always be best friends forever goodbye Rylee”

“Goodbye Sarah” Sarah and I hugged then I left to go pack the rest of my things into my carryon bag.

            We are now on our way to the airport. When we got there we checked in our luggage. While we waited for our plane to be call I asked my parents if we were living in Florida permanently. My dad answered saying “We’re going to be living there now and nowhere else” Our flight was called right after I got my answer. While on the plane I thought about all the important events that happened in my life in England. I was woken up by my sister telling me we are landing from our 6 hour flight. After going to baggage claim to get our luggage we took a cab to the car rental place. When we got to our house I was awed by the sight and it was right next to the beach too. My parent choose the master bed room while I took the room with a good view of the beach leaving my sister to take one of the other three bedrooms. “Mom can I go to Home Depot to get some paint” “Sure honey make sure you take your phone” Grabbing my phone and the keys to the car I was heading to Home Depot.

            Once I got there I went straight to the paint section. I was aimlessly walking when I almost ran into a guy around my age. “Oh I’m sorry…” “Jake” “Jake by any chance do you know where the blue, pink and purple paints are?” “Yeah there just down this aisle on the left” “Thanks bye” “Bye” I keep walking down the aisle looking for the paints I was going to paint my room with. After paying for the paint I drove home to get started on painting my room. I was only done with two walls when dinner was called. After dinner I decided to sleep in one of the guest rooms. It’s Sunday morning and I’m finish painting the rest of my room. My sister Ashley asked me if I want to go to the store to get school supplies. We got back home at around 6:00 an hour before dinner. After dinner I got ready for bed I set my alarm to wake me up for my first day of school.

            “Beep! Beep! Beep!” As I reach to turn off my alarm I felt a gentle breeze brush my hand. I got ready for my first day of school. I went downstairs for breakfast with my family. “Are you ready to start school at Olympian High school” asked my dad “Yeah, but I’m a little nervous” “Rylee you’ll do just fine, but if anything goes wrong try to find me okay” said my sister  “Okay let’s get to school before were late” I said to Ashley. Our walk to school wasn’t very long. Once we got to school we went to the office to get our schedule. “Names please’ said the monotone lady “Rylee and Ashley Johnson” “okay here you go Ashley and Rylee” said handing each of us a blue folder. We walked our separate ways to homeroom. “Ah you must be Rylee. Class we will be having a new student today introduce yourself to the class Rylee” said my teacher “Hi I’m Rylee Johnson I just moved here from England a week ago and I like art” “Rylee you may take a seat next to Hailey. Please raise your hand Hailey” A girl with dirty blonde hair raises her hand. I walk to where she is and sit next to her. “Hi I’m Hailey Walter” “I’m Rylee as you already know” “Can I see your schedule to see if we have any classes together” “Sure” I say handing it to her “We have 1st,3rd,4th and 5th together” “That’s great can you show me were to go for 2nd period?” “Yeah” The bell rings and I walk to first with Hailey. Once we go there we sat by each other while listening to the lesson the teacher was giving. Hailey told me how to get to 2nd period. I was walking to class when I bumped into someone. “Sorry” “It’s okay what class are you going to I can walk you there” “math” I said now look at the person “Jake” “Oh hey I didn’t know you went to this school” “I just  started here today” “Let’s get to math before we’re late” I continued walking to math with Jake. It’s almost half the school day is done and I already made more friends. School is over now and I wait for Ashley at the front of the school when Jake walks to me and asked “would you like a tour of the town” “Sure” I said as I watch my sister come out of the school. “Bye Jake I have to go” I make my way to my sister so we could walk home together.

            It’s Saturday afternoon and I tell my parents I’m going out. I meet Jake at a small park not too far away from the school. “Hey” “You ready for your tour” “Yeah” Jake takes me everywhere in the town like a small beach, the mall, and many other places. I got back home before dinner. I went to sleep after dinner. All of Sunday I spent it finishing my homework. Monday morning I got ready for another week of school. Once I got to school I looked for Jake. I found him near one of the classrooms I tried talking to him but he kept ignoring like I was thin air. I walked away wondering what I did until I got to homeroom. Its lunch and Jake decides he was going to talk to me. I asked “Why were you ignoring me?” “I wasn’t I in the mood to talk to you” “Oh so now you are well I’m not in the mood to talk you now” I said as I walk away from him. It has been a whole week since my argument with Jake and he hasn’t come to apologize. Monday during lunch Jake sit down at my table and apologizes to me and gives me an “I’m sorry bear”. I forgived Jake and we became best friends again.

The End

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2013 ⏰

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