"I'd Like You to Meet Someone" (Kendall Schmidt)

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"I have to introduce you to someone," my best friend said.

"I really don't think that's a good idea. I just got out of a relationship-" I tried to protest.

"A relationship you need to forget about," she explained. "And it was 4 months ago!"

I sighed, knowing there was no way I'd be getting out of this. "Fine," I breathed. My friend jumped up and down, clearly way too excited about this. Taking my hand, she practically dragged me through the crowd of slightly drunken people.

"What's his name?" I asked as she searched for the unknown boy.

"Kendall," she mumbled, not really paying attention to me.

"Isn't that a girl name?" I asked.

"Not in this case," she said, still paying no mind to me. "THERE HE IS!" She pointed towards a group of 4 guys, all looking around 22, maybe older.

"Which one?"

"The blonde one with the spiky wanna-be mohawk."

I gasped. "You didn't tell me he was hot!"

"Well I wasn't gonna introduce you to someone ugly," she explained.

"Oh, well, uh-"

She dragged me by the arm again while screaming Kendall's name above the noise of the crowd. The just-a-little-too-drunk-to-function-properly crowd didn't question it.

"What?" I heard Kendall ask over the music.

"This is Irma! Make out with her or something," she said, winking. "Byeeee!" She grabbed some guy and practically clung too him as they found their way into a closet. Sheesh.

"Well...I'm Irma," I said, reaching out a hand to shake his.

"Kendall." He took my hand and shook it carefully. "And I must say that you are stunning," he observed.

"Aw, thank you! You're pretty attractive yourself." An obvious blush spread across Kendall's face.

"Can I, uh, get you a drink?" he offered. I looked around and notice his nameless friends had somehow disappeared. Thank god.

"Oh, no thank you, I don't drink," I explained. The blush on his face turned even brighter than I thought possible.

"Neither do I," Kendall lied. He threw his drink to the hard wood floor, as if I wouldn't notice.

"Liar," I teased. He smirked and took my hand.

"Let's go upstairs so we can talk," he offered. He held out his hand to lead me upstairs and I stared at it skeptically. "Uh, just to be clear, when I say 'talk', I mean talk. I swear."

I smiled as he led me upstairs. Kendall turned around quickly, causing me to bump into his chest. He bent down to kiss me swiftly on the lips. I giggled, hopefully not too stupidly, as he smirked at me.

"I'm sorry, I just had to do that," he explained.

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