Ch. 6~ Information and Separation

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I thought maybe I just passed out from dehydration or that man came back for me. But I was wrong because when I opened my eyes again, all I saw was darkness.

"Hello?" I called as I stood up and tried to walk. With my arms stretched out, I felt my way around the unknown land.

"Hello, KC? Are you here?" I waved my arms to the right and they hit something. Feeling, it felt like a mans chest with some sort of leather suit on.

"Hello, Fayth" a voice spoke in a mocking voice. I knew that voice.

"C-Cyle?" I whimpered.

"Maybe..." He sounded like him but there was something different about him. Suddenly, an arm grabbed me from around my waist a crushed against a body.

"Blind little bitch doesn't even know who's holding her" the voice laughed.

"Who are you?" I asked through gritted teeth as I tried to push myself away from his steel grip.

"Why, I'm Cyle, your boyfriend" he said sickly.

"Fayth, watch out!" A girls voice shouted from behind me.

"You again?" The Cyle imposter said in surprise. Suddenly, the Cyle imposter screamed in pain and I was released from his steel grip. I stumbled back but I was caught in someone's arms before I fell to the ground.

"Hey, I'll have you know I took tae kwon do for five years!" A new yet similar voice shouted.

"Excuse me but who's holding me?" I asked simply. I then heard a light gasp.

"It's me..." The voice whispered as it set me on the ground. Twisting around, I sat on my knees and felt for the new voice. My hands again meet a chest. But this it had a cloth shirt. Going up a bit, I found the face. I began tracing it with my fingers until my mind registered who it was.

"Is it really you, Cyle?" I asked. He was quiet. I felt him move and than I felt a very small breeze wash over my cheeks.

"You can't see?" He asked with sadness in his voice. I shook my head from side to side.

"I can't" I whispered.

"Guys, watch out!" KC cried. I heard a voice scream as heavy footsteps fall on the earth. Suddenly, arms wrapped around my body in a protective way.

"Copy number 2635, you are dismissed" a low heavy voice cut through the air. The screaming stopped and than scoffed before it disappeared entirely.

"Go away!" KC hissed at the voice. Both Cyle and I stood up. He held me close to his chest.

"What is it?" I whispered.

"I don't know..." He replied.

"That's right, the green eyed girl has no sight! Here it is!" The low voice chuckled. Suddenly, the darkness faded and I could see the world around me. Looking around and all I saw was death. It was like we were in a cool grey desert with dead grey trees with no leaves or any sign that if it ever had them.

And then I saw the voice and I wished I was back in my dark world.

The man, if I could even call him that, was tall, probably close to seven feet, very thin, and had very pale skin. He looked as if he had just come out of a Tim Burton film. His right hand was held behind his back like he was hiding something in it. Again on the right, it looked like there was a black stain on his white skin. Lastly, his eyes. They scared me and made me feel uneasy. They were the color of blood.

"Welcome to the game!" He smiled a sickly grin and saw not so white teeth.

"Game? What game?" KC commanded.

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