Rex's Pov

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Rex’s pov

I sat on the edge of the small bed staring down at Storm. She looked so frail and small as she lay there unconscious and it made my blood boil. I told Jax that he couldn’t protect her. I told him he should let me take Storm to join our pack.  I even extended the offer to Jax himself and he pretty much laughed in my face. If I didn’t think Jax could handle the job I would have gone directly to Storm and begged her to come with me, but Jax had protected her for years which was surprising.

It was unusual for a rogue to protect an area the way Jax had. Rogues tend to move around a lot because they normally get chased out by other lone wolves or they were wanted by packs; but Jax had kept himself and Storm safe since the day they had shifted. It was almost impossible, even for such a large wolf like Jax’s, but somehow he did it; and that’s why I thought Storm was safe. Stormy said Jax wasn’t here just before she passed out, which means Jax had left her. I hated to think what would have happened to Storm if another pack had come across her. I wasn’t even sure if I could get my alpha to let her go.

My alpha was a reasonable man, but he was also strict when it came to rogues. I just hoped that my status within the pack would be enough to convince him and I knew deep down even if my alpha denies my request to let Storm go, I would get her out. I would go against my pack for her.

If only Jax had agreed. It would have been so much easier to present their case to the alpha before Storm trespassed.

I moved Stormy’s black hair out of the way so I could watch her face as she slept. I had never met anyone like Storm. She was so innocent and sweet, but yet she had a hard side that you wouldn’t expect from such a small beauty like her. I had been going out of my mind the last week wondering why I hadn’t heard from her. At first I thought she had lost her phone, but once she never made contact, I knew something was wrong. She made me promise to keep in touch with her and yet she was the one that didn’t keep in contact with me. I didn’t know what to think about that but was sure Storm had a reason for it.

I looked around the small cell wondering what to do next. I had to talk to Mikah. If I even had the slightest chance of getting Storm out of this mess, then I needed Mikah on my side. He was my best friend and soon to be alpha. If anyone could convince the alpha to let Storm go, it would be his own son and future alpha.

I looked down at Storm’s sleeping form one last time before standing up and exiting the cell. As soon as I walked out the door Lincoln walked over from the chair he was sitting on and closed Stormy’s cell door, locking her inside.

“Seen Mikah today?” I asked Lincoln, as I stood there staring through the cell at Storm.

“I had seen him earlier this morning. He said he would be down soon to interrogate that rogue bitch,” Lincoln replied, anger lacing his voice as he glared at Stormy through the cell bars.

“Don’t you dare fucking call her that,” I growled as I grabbed Lincoln by the throat and slammed him against the concrete wall next to Stormy’s cell.

“Whoa man calm down!” Lincoln said loudly with his hands held in the air and his eyes filled with panic.

I held him a few seconds longer as I tried to get my breathing in check. I was fucking fuming. She didn’t deserve this. She had already had a hard enough life as it was and I’d be damned if I let more struggle come her way. I turned and walked down the long corridor and up the concrete steps without even turning back to see the look on Lincolns face. I shouldn’t have attacked him like that, but right now I didn’t give a shit. He was probably the one that caused the wounds on her arms I had seen. He was famous for digging his nails in where it hurt.

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