Chapter 5

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The sun was slowly setting. Clea stood near the window, leaning heavily against the wooden frame, watching the beautiful sky change colours. The twilight had washed off the details of the building, leaving behind just a blurred outline, like some forgotten memory, trying to break free.

She was not sure how long she stood there but her left leg felt a bit sore as she stood with her entire weight, weighing down on it. She shifted her weight to her other leg as her mind took her back to the happenings of the previous night. Luca's worried face swarmed into her vision whenever she tried to think of the night before. 

She had tried many times before to think of the dream that had led her to fall unconscious, but she couldn't remember anything except an image of a small dark room. Even sitting in the garden on her favourite bench had not helped. She couldn't recollect anything except for the room.

Luca had definitely sounded worried; she knew from the way he had behaved that morning before going to his office. How he had asked her whether she was feeling all right or not and whether she wanted him to stay at home, again and again; the creases on his forehead deepening with every passing second.

The love Clea felt for Luca knew no bounds. She knew she would never be able repay him completely for what he had done for her. She remembered when she was seven year old and had met Luca for the first time. Fourteen-year-old Luca had immediately welcomed his sister with open arms but she had been hesitant, afraid of him, for she was sure she would be hurt again, but as the days had gone  by, her trust in him started building, step by step. 

She remembered the day clearly when she had started to trust Luca.

It was a warm summer's day. The heat was rising as the days slowly crept by, leaving the people tired and sweaty by the evening.  It was a normal day at the Walther residence. Their youngest daughter lay on the couch in front of the TV watching cartoons. Their older son was playing video games in his bedroom. Mrs Walther was busy in the kitchen preparing pies for the guests who were to arrive in the evening. She opened the fridge to look for some eggs but the carton was empty. She creased her forehead as she shifted the vegetables to look for some eggs.

"I remember bringing them," she said to herself as she straightened up and debated what to do. She decided not to put eggs in the dish but then she remembered it was Wednesday, market day.

"Luca...Luca..." she called out to her son.

"Yes, Mom?" he responded, shouting at the top of his voice from his bedroom.

"Come down here for a second," she called.

She heard his footsteps on the staircase and in no time the fifteen-year-old stood before his mother. She smiled at him and said, "I forgot the eggs, Luca. Please go to the market and get them for me," she requested lovingly.

"Mom..." he whined.

"Please Luca; I want it for the guests," she requested back.

"Okay, if I allow you to take Clea with you will you go then?" she asked at last.

"I'll go," he said excitedly and started leaving the kitchen. His mother caught him by his hood and brought him back.

"Take care of her," she said softly.

"Yes mom, I know. I will," he said and ran out of the kitchen.

Luca and Clea walked side by side. He tried to stay as close to her as possible without touching her. Clea was scared of people's touch. She never let anyone touch her, except her adoptive parents. She was even scared of Luca then. 

He looked at her and smiled. She stared blankly up at him, not smiling and not saying a word. He looked ahead again, the smile continuing to grace his lips. He looked around himself. The crowd was massive; after all it was Wednesday - the market day. People from neighbouring towns came to shop as well, as everything was sold at concessional prices. It was like a mini fair for all the small kids but not for him. He was a big kid, old enough to go out with his sister alone. His smile widened even more as he thought of the huge amount of responsibility he had upon himself. He glanced sideways at Clea again and puffed his chest.

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