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"Let me get this straight Winchester, you need help hunting down your own damn kids?" John glared at the other hunter known as Bobby Singer.

"They're not my sons anymore, Bobby." He stated, taking the coffee the other hunter had placed in front of him. If he wanted to hunt down Sam and Dean, then he'll need back up and Bobby was the first person he came to that night to ask for help.

Bobby scoffed at John from where he was leaning against the kitchen counter. "Right, 'cause Dean now being a werewolf and having Sam protect his brother makes you consider them not your sons anymore." It was crazy what John was asking him to do. Sam and Dean were like sons to him, hell, he was even a father figure to them more then John was. He just couldn't do what the other wanted him to do and help track down the boys he watched over sometimes when John had left them in his place for months as children. "I'm just saying John, going after your own sons and shooting a silver bullet through Dean's heart, it's crazy!"

John drank his coffee as the other man ranted, not giving a damn at what his friend said. It wasn't crazy. It was clearly humane. He was taking down another monster that was going to hurt people, and if that monster had a pack, he was going to take them down too. "Isn't crazy what we do, Bobby? We hunt down monsters for fucks sake." He finished the coffee and stood up from his seat. He didn't had time to waste. He had other people to see and make calls if he wanted to go after Sam and that wolf.

"I gotta go. Thanks for coffee. Give me a call once you're ready to help me. I'll tell you where to meet me and everyone else at." The older Winchester mumble, heading for the front door and going to his car. Bobby waited until he couldn't hear the rumble of the car anymore before pulling out his phone.

"I'm getting too old for this." He dial the number he was too familiar with and presses the phone against his ear. The tone of the ringing seemed to had gone on forever until the person on the end picked up, a faint 'Hello' being said.

"You boys got some serious explaining to do."

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