I Promise

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"We're not leavin'." Rick told everyone.

"We can't stay here.'' Hershel said, while stitching my shoulder up.

"What if there's another sniper? Look what it did to Ami." Maggie loaded a gun.

"We can't even go outside." Meg added.

"We're not running. Didn't you hear Rick?..." I stood up since Hershel was done. My shoulder burnt like hell, but I tried not to focus on it, not wanting to waste the pain killers.

"No, it's better to live like rats." Merle called in from where we lock everyone when we don't know if we can trust them or not.

"You got a better idea?" Rick asked.

"Yeah, you should've slid out of here last night, lived to fight another day. But we lost that window, didn't we? I'm sure he's got scouts on every rode out of this place by now." 

"Yeah, well, we ain't scared of that prick." Daryl told him.

"Y'all should be. That truck through the fence thing: that's just him ringing the door bell. We might have some thick walls to hide behind but he's got the guns and the numbers. And if he takes the high ground around this place; shoot, he could just starve us out if he wanted to."

"Let's put him in another cell block." Maggie was getting nervous and uncomfortable.

"No," I said quick. "he's gotta point."  

"This was all you! You started this!" Maggie told Merle.

"What's the difference on whose fault it is? What do we do?" Meg spoke.

"I think we should leave. Now, Axel's dead. We can't just sit here." Hershel notice Rick walking away. "Get back here!" Rick stopped. I flinched when Hershel yelled at Rick. It was weird. Hershel's usually a quiet and gentle man. "You're slippin', Rick. We've all seen it. We understand why, but now is not the time. You once said this isn't a democracy." Rick turned around to him. "Now, you have to own up to that. I put my family's life in your hands. So, get your head clear and do something." Hershel finished. 

Rick turned around and walked out still. Hershel sighed in anger. 

"How long will it take your shoulder to heal?" Carl asked me. 

"Probably about six months."  I tried to move it, but it hurt too bad. 

"Don't try to move it too much. You could tear the tissue that's starting to heal." Hershel told me. 

"So, she's not going to move her arm for six months..?" Glenn asked, making sure he heard Hershel right.

Hershel shook his head. "The tissue will get even more damaged. Then, you probably won't ever be able to move your arm."

"Dammit, man." Daryl muttered.

"Do we have a sling?" I asked. Carl ran to go get one and came back. I took it from him and placed my arm in it. "I can still shoot though. I'm a righty." 

"I'll be back." Carl said and walked out like Rick did. 


"Take watch." Rick handed keys to Maggie. "Eyes open; head down."  Maggie nodded her head and walked out. "Field's filled with walkers." Rick told us. "I didn't see any snipers out there, but we'll keep Maggie on watch."

"I can be up in the guard tower, take down half them walkers; give us a chance to fix the fence." Daryl said.

"We can't acess the field without burning through our bullets." Hershel spoke.

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