All hell is going to break loose

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                              *Harry's POV*

       "NO Lou STOP" i demand he is blaring Britney Spears and singing along again. i just don't know how he can be so happy at times like these. Niall has been in the hospital for almost two weeks now and we havn't heard anything. I guess the person that this has taken the biggest effect is Bay. We havn't seen her in about three days other than for her to get an apple and go to the restroom. She hasn't eaten much and is loosing weight rather fast. We know its not healthy for he much less all of us. We havn't really been in the mood for anything even Nando's which mean there is SOMETHING wrong with us. We all Love Nando's especially Niall.

         We all miss him dearly and just want him back home. It sucks not knowing if your best mate will ever wake up. Not being able to see him again or have him give us his hugs or not being able for us to take him out to Nando's ever again. I just really hope he wake's up soon or we all will have a heart attack. I snap back to reality with Liam's hand in my face.

"What?!" i snap, sounding a bit rude.

"I just wanted to come and check on you was all. I know this is having an effect on all of us but you can't just sit here and be sad. get out and doing something lad. Niall wouldn't want you like this.

"WHY DO YOU KEEP SAYING IT LIKE THAT!?" i exclame. "HE ISN"T DEAD JESUS CRIST LIAM! He's going to wake up i know it."

"But that's the thing harry! WHAT IF HE DOESN'T!?! WHAT IF HE NEVER FUCKING WAKES UP?! WHAT THEN ARE YOU JUST GOING TO KEEP BEING DEPRESSED JUST SITTING ON YOUR ASS?!? JUST KEEP DOING FUCKING NOTHING!?! WELL YOU KEEP DOING THAT I HAVE SHIT TO DO. GOOD BYE." ad with that he slams the door and walks out. Ouch i have never seen Liam so mad in his life. i think this is tearing him up inside but he just doesn't want to show it. All i know is Niall better wake up soon or all hell is going to break loose.

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