Chapter Nineteen

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Luke was on a two day trip up state the following day, and Chloe was glad of the breathing space. But, it wasn’t to be, the CPS prosecutor linked to her brother’s case called and wanted to pick through all that had happened with a fine tooth comb. Her past, her fears and her nightmares were invading her safety zone, and that was worse than anything else.

By the time Luke returned she’d already made her decision, she was heading home to face the music. If her problems invaded this place any further then her memories of this place would be spoilt forever.

Phil and Didi were devastated, and no one knew how the boys were going to take it. Then there was leaving Luke...

                “You’re leaving?” It was a gasp of surprise than a question. And Chloe was glad that she’d chosen a restaurant for this conversation.

Nodding, ignoring the emotions ravaging his face, she picked at her seafood, “there’s too much to organise there. And this was only ever an extended holiday Luke.” She couldn’t give in; process this too much, as it was just as hard for her to leave. But the emotion, his devastation...she reached out and placed a hand over his. “I’ve loved this time, and you’ve helped me more than you’ll ever know Luke.”

                “Helped you?” he tried not to raise his voice, but he was getting angrier by the minute. “Is that all this was?”

She shook her head, “of course not. It’s been a long time since I’ve felt this happy and that’s due to you. But I always had a life to go back to; it was always inevitable that this moment would happen.”

Their main courses were delivered and they ate in silence for a moment, until Luke threw down his cutlery and a few notes to cover the food.

                “Suddenly I’m not hungry anymore.”

She had to run to catch up with him, and he finally stopped at a small green between buildings. Storming to a bench he sat and dropped his head in his hands.

Chloe stood beside him and waited until he lifted his eyes, and the sight of them, filled with tears almost broke her heart...if it wasn’t already broken and traumatised.

                “I can’t believe you can just leave after the summer we’ve had together.”

She sighed, “Luke, I have loved every minute with you, but I never said I would stay forever, I always had to go.”

He was shaking his head, “we can work something out, it’ll be hard, but I can visit, you can come to New York when I’m back then...we can do something, anything.” It was a desperate plea to his own ears, but he didn’t care. At that moment he knew he was willing to make a complete fool of himself if that was what it took.

Chloe slowly shook her head, “I have to rebuild my life Luke, I have to get over the last eighteen months and start again. I can’t do that if I’m living here on a holiday!”

                 “You can start again, find a career here, live with me; we can see where life takes us!”

                “If only things were that easy! I can’t get a green card, I have no insurance, I can’t work, if you’re even suggesting I’m sort of kept woman then you don’t know me at all Petrakis!”

He dropped her hand, “I wasn’t suggesting that, I don’t know what I’m suggesting, but can’t we just try? There must be a way. We can visit each other...”

She smiled, “as nice as four weekends a year together sounds, there is no future on from that, is there? I mean you’ll never be able to come to the UK with me, not playing lacrosse.”

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