Chapter 14 - A King's Truth

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Chapter 14~ A King’s Truth

                   All the tension from the wedding had subsided in these past few days and everyone was actively preparing for the fast coming attack on Violetfair. Jellal wanting surprise on our side, since the enemy had the home field advantage. I had enough sense to know that that was the best plan, but because it came from him, I hated it.

                    “What have you called me for?” I asked as I entered the room only to be taken aback by the strong bar-like smell.

                    Jellal stood across the room, back facing me while holding a glass filled with a dark liquor. He took a few sips before he spoke.

                    “I want an understanding.”  I glared at him. What kind of understanding could he possible want between us?

                     Jellal started to laugh out of nowhere. “I can feel it now. The hate from your eyes burning holes into my back.” I dropped all expression from my face as he turned with a wicked smile. “I want to understand where this animosity you harbor towards me stems from.”

                     When I refused to speak, he let out a breathy laugh. “Could it possible be because of my Queen? Panther Lily?”

                      I balled my fists in anger. “You’re drunk, I’m leaving!”

                      “I may very well be, but I have not dismissed you yet.” He sat the glass down and racked his hands through his hair. “Do you feel as though I’d stolen something from you?”

                      “She’s not an object that could be stolen.”

                      “So I’ll assume that even though I’m married to her, her heart belongs to you? You can have it, it never could have belonged to me anyway.”

                       “If you don’t care, then all you wanted was to start a war!” August had told me about how self centered he was, but I could have never imagine it would go this far.

                       “Yes, but don’t paint me in the light of a villain, little brother,” he sneered.

                       “Why not?! You undermined the former King and Queen, went against Eloian tradition, and started a war for your own benefit. How could you be seen than anything more than a villain?”

                       “Do you have a statue where you come from?” he tickled.


                       “I would just imagine that someone as self righteous as you would have a statue. True, I did those things, but not for my own benefit. Haven’t you ever thought once that this situation was strange? Odd?”

                       Everyday it crosses my mind how surreal the situation I’m in is, but he couldn’t have been pointing out the obvious. “Strange?”

                       “Eloi. You, the raven haired, jeweled eyed savior has come. The one we waited for generations for. Alex, you’ve been here for months, haven’t you? The ground will soon be white with snow. How do you intend to save us? When were you planning on it? Do you even know where the enemy is?”


                       “I’d bet my life you don’t even know what direction its in.”

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2013 ⏰

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