Chapter 1

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On My Mind


CHAPTER 1 -Cody Simpson POV-

I set down my guitar, when I finished singing my new song 'On My Mind'. I looked around the room noticing my sister, Alli, leaning against the wall.

"That was great Cody, I can't wait for everybody to hear it! I know it will be a hit!" Alli said smiling.

"I hope so." I said smiling a little,but frowning on the inside,'On My Mind' isn't about any special girl.I wish it was.

Greyson entered the room.

"Hey, do you guys want to go see a movie before we have to get ready for the concert?" Greyson suggested.

"Sure! Can we go see Monte Carlo? I'm dying to see that movie." Alli replied. (A.N. I know Monte Carlo hasn't came out yet but let's pretend it did.)

"No, thats a chick flick." I whined.

"Pleaseeee, Cody." Alli begged, making me serenader.�She's my only girl that I love but in a sister way ofcourse.

"Fine." I said sighing heavily. "But next time we go see a movie Greyson and I get to pick." Greyson nodded,giving me a death glare for giving in.

"Ok. Yay, thanks guys!" Alli gave me a quick hug. She's so weird but I love her.

--Outside the movie theater--

Fans surrounded us when we arrived at the movie theater. I love my fans there the reason I'm here. I just wish they treated me normal.

Greyson and I stopped and took pictures with some fans.

As my eyes wandered,this girl caught my eye.

She had straight, medium length, light brown hair and warm golden brown eyes. She was wearing a pair of the Cody Simpson bootee shorts. Dang, they are gorgeous on her.

She was gorgeous,and was laughing with her friend.

"Clare, Cody Simpson is staring at you!" A girl standing next to her whispered to her but it was loud enough for me to hear.

"Savannah...he looks at everybody." She turned to me. I quickly looked away before she saw me.

"See hes not." She said sadly.

The girl Savannah sighed.

"Come on, Cody! We still have to get our tickets." Alli rushed me.Greyson had a piece of paper in his hand.

I peaked at the paper. It read Savannah and a number.

Wait Savannah?!

That was Clare's best friend.

Maybe I do have a chance ... but its probably not the same Savannah.

I'll talk to Greyson later.

Well I tried in the movies but we kept getting hushed.

"How'd you like the movie?" Alli asked.

"It was okay." Greyson said, dazed. He was thinking about a girl.

"What about you Cody?"

"Couldn't focus...sorry." I said sheeply.

Se shrugged and we went back on the bus.

Greyson and I decided to play Black Ops before we had to leave for the concert in Los Angeles, California,while Alli called her friends.Greyson ended up winning because I couldn't concentrate on the game. I just couldn't get that girl off my mind...

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