11. What Happens In The Torture Chamber, Stays in The Torture Chamber

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I slowly woke up with my head hurting. I was tied to a chair next to Daryl who was still unconscious. The door opened and the Governor walked in with a box, causing Daryl to wake up. The Governor grinned evilly at me as he unpacked the box. I recognized it as tools. I was horrified to find out what he was going to do with them.

"You escaped me once, Tessa, but not again." He held up a stick-like tool.

"Do you have any idea what I'm going to do with this?" I had an idea and so did Daryl as he let out a gunt from behind the gag in his mouth. The Governor pulled down my jeans and then my underwear. He spread my legs so that he had a clear opening.

"This will hurt a lot," he said before shoving it forward.


They led Daryl and I with bags over our heads to god-knows-where. We came to a stop and the bag was pulled from our heads. An arena full of people were booing at us and I looked over at Daryl. He was staring at Merle who was also in trouble with the Governor.

"Fight each other and the winner will get freedom and the girl," The Governor said with a demented grin. I came to the conclusion that I was going to die anyway. Merle began beating on Daryl until walkers were brought out and then they started fighting off those. I brought my fingers up to my mouth and started biting my nails, something I haven't done since I was twelve. Suddenly, the air was filled with smoke. I felt someone grab my waist and drag me out of the gate. I turned to see Rick and I quickly hugged him.

"Are you okay?" he asked me and I nodded. Soon we were joined by Merle and Daryl as we headed back to the car.

"Daryl, he isn't coming with us," Rick said when we got there. I looked over at Daryl who was pissed.

"Then I'll leave." Daryl headed towards the car's trunk to get his stuff.

"You are not leaving," I said firmly.

"It ain't your choice, Tessa."

"What about your kids Daryl, or were you just going to leave them for the Governor's wrath." Daryl stopped walked and came back until he was only inched apart from me.

"They would do better without a father like me." With that, he walked away, leaving me staring after him in shock.

***So we are nearing the end of the story and I hoped that you enjoyed it. This is not the end though and I do plan on a sequel. Also, sorry it was so short. Vote/comment/fan:)***

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