Ghost-Course 1: the appearance of six new comers

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ok this is my first cross over so let me know what you think! and a HUGE thanks to ExtremeSonic for the insiration!!! read her stuff too!!!! i hope you all enjoy this cross over!!! let me know what you think!


I ran… no WE ran to stop Egg-man yet again! The six of us were out to stop him! Me, Sonic the hedgehog And the Team, Shadow the hedgehog, Silver the hedgehog, Kari the two tailed cat, Miles ‘Tails’ Prower the two tailed fox and Knuckles the echidna, were about to stop Egg-man when something REALLY weird happened… No, not like the time I got transported into the past and had to save all of time or got sucked into a book or had an alien fuse with my body or even was King Arthur! No this was MUCH weirder! A pillar of light came out of NO WHERE and sucked me and my friends up into a white abyss!!... Oh wait let me restart… at the beginning!

~Mobius 6:30 am~

It was a peaceful, sunny day in Mobius. Everything was calm and everyone was at ease… well, if you count Tails’s project exploding ‘at ease’ then sure why not? Kari was under a tree laying back, hands behind her head and eyes closed. Silver and Shadow were training. Knuckles was… Well, being Knuckles, Guardian of the Master Emerald and all! Cream the rabbit and Cheese the chao were playing hide and seek with Charmy the bee, Amy Rose the hedgehog, Mayra the hedgehog, and Iris the bat. Rogue the bat, iris’s big sister, was drooling over some jewels and jewelry as usual. Espio the chameleon was practicing his ninja skills. Vector the Crocodile was working on some ‘cases’ for team Chaotix. Sonic was running like there was no tomorrow. And Egg-man was, as usual, up to no good! After a while Kari got up and her tails spiked

“Something’s wrong here… Egg-head usually has his robo-dorks out by now to cause trouble…” Kari quickly ran and caught up with Sonic who slowed to a stop.

“What’s sup Kari? Is something wrong?” Sonic Knew that Kari had a gift of knowing what is out of line and stuff. So he took her seriously when she stopped him. He didn’t used to… but when stuff bad happened that Kari warned about he started to listen

“I think Egg-man has either retired OR is planning something big… I can’t QUITE tell yet…" Sonic smiled at her thought

“Kari… I think you should relax… Egg-for-brains will show…. No worries ok?” Sonic thought he’d regret this but he wanted his friend to just relax a bit… well, because she NEVER dose.

“O-ok Sonic… I’ll try…”  Kari went off back to the spot she was in before and laid back down. Sonic smiled slightly and went on his way. But something kept bothering him… he just shook it off.

“Kari! Please come and play with us!”

“Chao! Chao!!” Cream and Cheese were skipping happily to the tree where Kari was laid back

“Ok… I guess since I have nothing else to do…” Kari got up while Cream and her floating Chao friend Cheese jumped for joy then ran back to the others. But Kari didn’t play for long because something else caught her attention. So she ran off as well as the somewhat burnt Tails, Shadow, Sonic, Knuckles (surprisingly) and Silver! They all ran to Egg-man’s HQ and broke in

“WHAT DID I TELL YA SONIC?! HUH?!! Geez!!” Kari told sonic a few times she felt something before and he didn’t listen

“Ok, ok I got it. I’ll listen next time… Let’s go!!”

“That Egg-head’s gonna be an omelet soon!!” Knuckles pounded his fists together

“I’m gonna enjoy this!” Shadow looked a little smug

"I FINALLY get to test my new gadget! Here I made one for everyone!” Tails handed everyone an advanced walkie-talkies

“Thanks Tails!” Kari smiled

“I want to practice some new telekinesis moves on his robo-dweebs!” Silver started to glow a neon green and float

“LET’S GO ALREADY!! I wanna pound some skulls!” Kari started running and everyone came after. Soon Kari’s fluffy white tails began to spike and she stopped, looked up and quivered a bit

“Uh-uh guys I-I th---“ too late, everyone was engulfed in a blinding white light. The last thing they heard was Egg-man’s evil laugh then… nothing… what happened? Where are we? Someone… HELP US!!! Is all the six thought as they swirled in the white nothingness…

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