Chapter 27

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                                                                                     Chapter 27


Eric was looking down on the restaurant floor making. I got was he was thinking because I am not that stupid like some girls like Stacy for instance. He was doing a full on act of ignoring me and I was already getting tired. Seriously, what up with boys at times? Do they forget they have a mouth to speak about what they are thinking? I had strong urge to punch Eric on his face. Patience is not one of my strong points.

“Are you constipated?” I finally asked annoyed.

That caught his attention. “What?” He looked at me crazily as if I was the one staring down on the restaurant floor a minute ago and not him. Who does that?

“You are have been sitting right there with that weird expression on your face…Spill now…what is it?” I placed my elbows on the table and leaned forward towards him.

Eric uncomfortably squirmed in his chair. “It’s nothing.”

“All right get ready to spoil your pretty face,” I said rubbing my hand on my fist.

“WAIT! Ah…I will tell you.”

Works every time like a charm. What can I say? I have it in me to make a boy tell me whatever he’s hiding. It’s a violent method but hey it works.

“Go on,” I said menacingly.

“Will you stop…”

“Stop what?”

“Stop giving me that look…like you are going to bash the daylights over me?”

I guess I was going a little overboard. “Fine,” I eased a little.

“What have you done to yourself?” He asked puzzled.

“You don’t like it?” My face fell as all my insecurities came back to me.

I felt like a little girl trying to play dress up. I was dressed up in a pretty white dress and heels with make up on trying to pretend I was a grown up. But the truth was I could never look as pretty at Tiana. I could fantasize about it but in reality I was just a tomboy in tattered jeans.

“It’s not you Chas,” Eric said slowly.

Great, now I was being insulted by a boy who was a nerd no less.

“Yeah, I know what you are trying to say.” I glared at him. “You think I can’t pull off a dress, so, I should stick to plain old jeans.”

Eric started laughing. Now he couldn’t even control his laughter? Did I look that strange?

“I am leaving.” I started to get up from the chair angrily.

“No! I was laughing because you said the funniest thing.” Eric sobered up.

“Oh I am funny now,” I said sarcastically.

“You look great…but you look like Chas. You look nothing like the girl I knew you to be and that freaks me out. Earlier you seemed to be your own person but now you seem to be a copy of Tiana. You look stunning but I liked you way better in plain old jeans,” he smiled at me warmly.

Well, that took a different turn. How was a supposed to react now? Should I bat my eye lashes?

Sure enough I batted my eye lashes at him and sadly that made him laugh again. “You jerk!” I spat and pounced on him.

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