Chapter 1

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We were running. Again.

I willed my feet to move faster and quieter as my brother, Zander, and I were pushing our bodies forward. I could tell that Zander was straining his pace to slow for me, as I pushed even further knowing that he could be clear of danger if it weren't for my slowness. 

"Zan, don't hold up for me." This sentence was painful to get out on my shortness of breath but somehow I managed. He shook his head vigorously, as if the thought hadn't even occurred to him.

"Rose, please. You know I would never leave you for those bastards to find. I'm with you till the end. Now come on, were almost there." His breath wasn't even labored. I nearly tripped at this; we had been running a good 20 miles straight with no breaks! Zander wasn't even winded! Sure I was half-vampire but unfortunately I wasn’t gifted with impeccable endurance like my dear brother was.

"How are you in such good shape! Geesh you're making me feel like a fat pig!" Then what he said registered in my brain. "Wait, almost where?" 

"A place I have been dreading to go, but we have to if we want to survive. So unfortunately, we're right back where we started this mess." Finally I paid attention to my surroundings and froze. If Zander hadn't been expecting it, he would’ve left me there for how quiet I was all of a sudden. He turned and walked to me. 

"Rose, you had to have known this was coming. We can't keep running forever." I looked into my big brothers eyes, and suddenly felt as if I was that reckless 15 years old again. I felt the memories of why this whole nightmare started coming back and replaying in my mind. 

*** flashback 3 years ago***

I twirled around the mansion as if I was a princess. And damn, it felt that way. It was my fifteenth birthday and my mom was going crazy, as if today was the day that would changes lives. It would, change mine forever; I just didn't know it then. 

My parents and a bunch of other people live in this huge house that’s in a secluded part of the woods. Me and my friends were practically living with each other, it was fantastic. Anyways, my mom likes to go overboard with things, especially with her only daughter's 15th birthday. In my 'culture' 15th is the celebrated year of life. 

It’s when you come into your powers. You see, I'm not like you. I belong to a secret society called the Shadow World. It's where things like witches, werewolfs, vampires, feys, and any other supernatural creature that would normally be shunned and classified, as a 'freak' can feel safe. We have multiple residencies all over the world, huge mansions like the one I currently live in to help us live as close to normal lives as we can. Also being so secluded deep in the woods, It’s easy to practice our powers without feeling shamed or trying to hide.

Right around now your probably wondering what class of the Shadow World I belong to. Normally you only belong to one, but you see that’s why I'm special. My mom is a witch, and a complete bad ass one if I may say so. My father, well he was a vampire. When my mom and him got together, it was a big no no. The Shadows, a sort of head council that rules all classes, warned them to proceed with caution. Having two different classes come together was unheard of. When the Loners, outcasts of the shadow world that had done something to be exile (mainly reveling themselves to humans), heard of me and Zander they attacked the Shadow consul while it was in section and killed a lot of innocent people. They said that it would continue and get worse until the hybrids were handed over. My father had gone to their leader, offering them peace, but they killed him on the spot. My world has never been the same. 

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