Are We Alone?

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by PJ Perry

there is no God!

and I cannot believe that

there is life on other planets

this may come as no surprise but

"we are not alone in this universe"

is the biggest lie we tell ourselves

"science and religion cannot work together"

future generations will find out that

can and will be most important


hand in hand with


will destroy all life as we know it

the human race

they believe

if we don't change our ways

one hundred years from now earth will die

scientists say

in our lifetime

and with this knowledge

there is no easy ride for us

we will struggle but

we will fail

i believe there isn't any way

even with blind faith and calculation

science and religion can exist together


science and religion can exist together

even with blind faith and calculation

i believe there isn't any way

we will fail

we will struggle but

there is no easy ride for us

and with this knowledge

in our lifetime

scientists say

one hundred years from now earth will die

if we don't change our ways

they believe

the human race

will destroy all life as we know it


hand in hand with


can and will be most important

future generations will find out that

"science and religion cannot work together"

is the biggest lie we tell ourselves

"we are not alone in this universe"

this may come as no surprise but

there is life on other planets

and I cannot believe that

there is no God!

by PJ Perry

reVerse poems ~ A Reversible Poetry Collection by PJ PerryWhere stories live. Discover now