Bloody Ninja and Care Bears

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I decided to walk with Marni and Jeremy today so I could see how they acted around each other, I grabbed my bag and walked out with Marni where she was talking to Jeremy, wait, when did he get here?

"When did you get here?" I asked

"Just a minute ago,"  He replied,

"But I didn't hear you," I said with a puzzled face,

"Okay then," he said walking onwards with Marni, I swear, he has got to be a ninja, then him and Marni would have half ninja half witch children, they'd have nitch, noo, erm, winja? well they'd have something,

"Bloody ninja," I said catching up to them,

When we got to school I walked into my first class, History early, the others stayed behind waiting for Stefan and Elena, I sat down in my seat,

"So, Ric what you up to??" I asked him, Me and Marni had gotten to know him as he was Damon's only friend.

"Well Jeremy handed in an assignment on vampires," he said

"What?" I asked as if I didn't hear him the first time,

"I said.."

"Shut up, I heard what you said, show me," I said, he looked through some papers and then handed me one of them, I read through it, what the blody hell, how did Jer the care bear come up with this? haha care bears, they're soo cute, my favourites Funshine bear, she's so... wait, NO Aura, bad Aura, get back on track,

"Does Marni know about this?" I asked

"I think so, I asked him if really believed in vampires, and he said no," he said

"How the hell did he come up with something like this?" I asked

"Gilbert journals," Ric stated simply as the rest of the class flooded in, The rest of class was a bore to me then later on Ace and I decided to meet up at the Grill first and then go to my house, we were on our way to the grill when we heard shouting, we walked faster and saw 2 figures fighting, Jeremy and Tyler, Wait, WHAT, Jer the care bear, heehee car... NO, god I have got to stop doing that, anyway,

"What are you fighting over," I asked coming inbetween them,

"Tell her Jeremy," said Tyler in a teasing manner, I shot him a look and looked back at Jeremy expecting an answer, but he said something inaudible,

"What?" I asked

"Marni," he mumbled, Oh, now I got it, aw that was so cute,

"But aren't you supposed to be with Marni?" I asked,

"I was just going," he said turning around and walking off, I shook my head me Ace sat down in our favourite booth, Don't judge me just because I have a favourite booth and you don't, it's not too close or far from the bar, we chatted for a bit then headed for my house

We entered and walked up to my room, Ace sitting on my bed and me next to him

"I didn't expect you to have this kind of room," he stated looking around

"What did you expect?" I asked

"Well, something more girly, you know like all pink or something!" he replied, that made me laugh,

"Do I look like a girly girl?" I asked

"No," he replied smiling as he looked up at me.




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