Chapter 9- Nightmare in Real Life

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Chapter 9!

Alice’s POV  (you guys are lucky :P)


**(Flashback from chapter 7, it’s the last time it was in her POV,)

Yes it works, but the image I see is definitely not what I wanted it to be. My whole family is standing on one side, with the whole army we created plus even more, and on the other side is The Volturi, bigger, the most powerful they have ever been. But the scary thing is that I’m standing with them, ready to fight, against my love ones. **




I gasp a little, well I wanted to but of course I can’t. I can’t do anything, feel anything and it just pisses me off! I bet Jasper is so worried about me! Just as I think that, I feel immense pain all around my body. I gasp for real this time and cringe as I move my arms up. I open my eyes and they widen as I take in my surroundings. I’m in a worst situation than I thought.

I look at Alec, Aro and Jane, one at a time. They’re the only ones I recognize. I back up against the wall but realize my mistake as I feel Jane’s pain inflected on me. I let out a cry and fall down to Aro’s feet, who is now standing just in front of me. He smiles and holds his hands out as if he wants to help me. I stop myself from pulling my tongue out, that’s what I would normally do. Instead, I just stand up slowly on my own, not wanting to make any more bad moves.

I see Jane focusing on something and I brace myself for the pain, but Aro holds his hand up, stopping her from doing anything. I don’t even want to know what Aro would do if they disobey him. He looks at her briefly, warning her something with his eyes. I look at him curiously and impatiently. But I can’t help the fright that I’m feeling; I just know something bad is going to happen. Just the vision shows that.

“Hello dear Alice.” Aro speaks to me in his fake-friendly-voice-that-he-probably-thinks-everyone-believes. I giggle but then I can’t help the shock that comes to my face. My hands comes up to my mouth and I cringe mentally, scared.

Aro looks at me curiously but just lets it go. I notice I didn’t even answer him so I quickly do. “Umm, hi?”

“How are you feeling?” He asks me.

“Well with the fact that I’m stuck in this dungeon with some Volturi members and that pain is slowly killing I’m great!” I answer him sarcastically. My hand quickly comes up to my mouth again and I freeze in shock. Why the hell did I say that?! I accidentally let a whimper out and I look away from Aro’s glare. He lifts his hand up and does this little sign thingy with his hand to Jane. I giggle a bit but then scream out in pain. After a couple of seconds, it stops and I take that time to glare at Jane and Aro.

“You will speak to me politely and respectfully. No excuses.” Aro says to me sharply.I gulp and nod slowly. “Ok then follow me.” He takes off towards the entrance of this random dungeon. After a couple of minutes, we’re in this modern hall with small windows.

Curious, I jump up a little and smile when I see a small yellow Volkswagen beetle pass by. I run to a couple of guards and yell. “Punch boogie no punch back!!” as I punch them. I finally come up to Aro but I don’t get to hit him cuz he grabs me by the neck and up against the wall. “STOP IT!!” He yells at me. I gasp and mentally hit myself, why the hell did I do that?! This is a seriously bad situation Alice!!

But then he relaxes his grip on me and comprehension fills his eyes, then anger. “Connor, come here. Now.” He says slowly but fiercely. I see this guy come up to Aro, with a smirk on his face.

“Yes Aro?”

Aro cuts off the grip he had on my neck and I fall on the floor. He turns towards Connor and slaps him in the face. Everyone in the room pretty much flinches, terrified of what he’s capable of doing. I see the amusement Connor had in his eyes replaced by a fear, but he refuses to show it. “Thanks…” He mumbles quietly and sarcastically.

“STOP USING YOUR POWER UNLESS ASKED!!” Aro yells as he hits him again, but with more force. Connor flies to the other side of the room and groans as he hits the wall.

I look at him in confusion and ask quietly and slowly, “What’s his power..?”

Aro turns sharply towards me but I see his features are calmer. “He made your mind think everything going on was funny. You didn’t really take anything too seriously right?” I shake my head. “Well that’s exactly what it is. But unfortunately it came with his personality, he’s the ‘joker’ or the ‘clown’ if you want. Sadly that isn’t the kind of person we want here.” He finishes by looking at Connor with a dark glare. It disappears as he looks at me again.

“You must be wondering why you are here? Well I think you already know the answer to that. You remember the vision you had about us? Yes, that’s exactly what we want. You.”



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I just want to thank ALL THE NEW FANS!!!! I had so much new fans for this story it really surprised me! Please show yourself as votes and stuff :P

If you guys give me 10 votes, I will upload again, in the next 5 days!! :D so please, vote vote vote!! :)

Love you all!!  <3

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