Day 13- Someone You Wish Could Forgive You

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Day 13- Someone You Wish Could Forgive You

Dear Mom and Dad,

     I'm really not picking sides here. I'm telling you now that I'm probably never going to pick a side. 

     It would mean the universe to me if you stopped making me act like the adult for you and actually talk to each other. Both of you know how I feel and it hurts to see two people you love so much hate each other. You need to fix it now before something happens.

Anger is not the best emotion to keep yourself attached to. It's not just ruining my life, but you gotta think about the little one, too. I'm hoping everything works out in the future. Putting all my trust into God and hopefully everything will be alright.

     Please forgive me for not being able to please you guys when you've done so much for me.

P.S. I rewrote the letter because it felt too mean. It's July 31, 2012. Please excuse any mistakes! 

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