Laney and Hunter

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Laney wiped the table clean in the small diner, offered a smile to an old man who was a regular customer and refilled a middle-aged gentleman's coffee cup before walking back into the kitchen. She clocked herself out, said goodbye to the other waitresses and the cook and then walked out into the sunset.

She yawned as she walked out to her car and climbed in. She started the engine and drove down the darkening roads, turning up the long drive to her families home. She saw the log mansion come into view and smiled.

She loved this house. She had been born in the house and had lived here all twenty-six years of her life so far. Times had changed in the last twenty years or so... Her family no longer had to hide or conceal what they were from the mortal world.

The existence of immortals was now out in the open and once they had gotten over their fascination most mortals had just accepted them as a part of normal everyday life and moved on.

Laney parked her car in front of the garage and was walking up to the door when it flew open and her uncle Lane came running out.

"Where are you going in such a hurry?" she asked with a smile. Lane held up a piece of paper.

"Your dad, Kent, grandpa, Evan and Greg gave me a list of all the things the baby is going to need.. I've gotta get started on buying it all." he replied. Laney shook her head.

"Uncle Lane, Aunt Joey is only three months pregnant. She's barely even showing.. You have plenty of time." she assured him. He patted her on the head like she was a tiny child and kissed her cheek.

"Can't ever be too prepared." he said and then took off toward the garage. Laney watched as he backed his old camaro out of the garage and drove away in a hurry. She laughed to herself.

Lane had always been her favorite uncle. She was named for him after all and he had spoiled her beyond belief growing up. She guessed it was because he had never been much more mature than she was. But ever since he had found out that his mate Joey was going to have a baby he had been trying very hard to act like a grown up for the first time even though he was 136 years old. And her dad, other uncles and her grandpa had been having fun torturing him and making him a nervous wreck.

Laney walked in the living room and found her uncles, dad and grandpa sitting on the couch.

"You guys should be ashamed of yourselves." she scolded as she took off her apron and hung it by the door.

"We didn't tell the man he had to go get it all tonight." Kent replied without looking away from the ball game they were watching.

"You know how he's been. We just couldn't help ourselves." Evan added while wiping at the spit up stain on his shoulder. The newborn in his arms started screaming and he looked up at Laney helplessly. She laughed and walked over taking her youngest cousin into her arms. She kissed the babies red hair and she quieted instantly.

"How was work sweetheart?" her grandpa Charles asked. She shrugged.

"Okay I guess. It gives me something to do with myself."

"You could have gone into the military like Kaylee and Kayleb. Hell I never get to see either one of them anymore." Evan said matter-of-factly. Jake smacked him on the back of the head.

"Don't give my daughter any damn ideas!" he said. "She's got enough of her mother and I in her that she just might listen." Laney smiled and kissed her dads strong, stubbly cheek.

"Don't worry daddy. I got enough of uncle Lane in me to make me phobic of responsibility." she said. Jake chuckled and looked back at the TV. Laney knew that the conversations were over as the men all became focused on the television. She walked into the kitchen and found her mom, grandma, aunt Raquel and aunt Jordan.

Laney and Hunter (4th in werewolf series)Where stories live. Discover now