Chapter Twenty Two: The End

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“Are you ready to push Amineh?”

“No, no I'm not ready,” she said trying to bide her time.

I’ve watched this woman make the strongest feel like the weakest link in the courtroom. She's even brought me down a peg a few times. It is ironic to see her in such a position at the moment. If the pain of her squeezing the life out of my hand was any indication, she was far stronger than I could have imagined. She has proven that countless times throughout our relationship.

“I'm sorry but it’s time to push Mrs. Miller,” the doctor said not giving any room for argument.

“Then why did you ask?” Amineh yelled back at the lady getting angry. The pain was obviously in control of her actions at the moment and she had no tolerance for games.

“Baby, why did she ask? I'm not ready, I'm not ready.”  Amineh said starting to panic and pleading with me to make the pain go away.

“It’s okay baby. I'm right here okay. We've got to get our little man out okay. Don't you want to see him?” I asked trying to coax her to want to start pushing, placing a kiss on her forehead.

“Yeah I want to see him” she said in such a childlike manner I would have laughed if she didn't follow up that sentence by screaming through the pain of another contraction.

“Alright Amineh this is it. Push!” the doctor said. She had way more excitement then necessary considering my wife was obviously in unbearable pain. But I guess excitement is just what Amineh needed because she began to push.

And after five more pushes, my four possibly broken figures, and deafening screams throughout the whole process; an angel came from my wife's womb.  That's the only way I can describe him; an angel, magnificent perfection.  I was stunned to the point that I could only stare as they placed him on my wife's chest, crying his eyes out along with my wife as she kissed him and told him how much she loved him.

Amineh brought me from my trance by taking her thumb and wiping something from my face. When she brought her hands back down I realized she was wiping my tears.

“Mr. Miller you have to cut the umbilical cord now,” the doctor said.

I took the scissors she was holding out to me and cut where the doctor told me to. When I finished, Amineh and I refused to take our eyes off of him as they took him across the room to be cleaned.

“Would you like to hold your son?” The doctor asked bringing him back over. 

“Yes,” I said taking him from the doctor.

Looking down at him in my arms with his tiny hands, tiny head, tiny little nose, and just tiny everything; I realized he is what has been missing. It’s like I didn't even realize something in my life was missing until now and I don't even know how I have survived without him all this time. Everything I’ve done in my life was just to reach this moment and create this beautiful family. And as of now, that is the only thing that matters. I will do anything and everything to protect them and keep us together.


I watched my husband hold our son in his arms and the feeling was indescribable. There is a sort of peace that comes over you when a living being you created is placed in your arms.  When the doctor first laid him on my chest I could feel his heartbeat going at an unnaturally fast paste. He was probably scared being brought from the only place he's known. But I am so glad he's here. His face mirrored his father’s exactly even down to the blue eyes, the only difference was the light brown skin and soft brown curls that covered his little head.

I wasn’t able to take my eyes off of him. In that moment where I was too weak to even push further up on the bed and the nurses were working to clean me up I could only think about how blessed I am. I know that life can drown me in its worries and troubles but these two men before me will always be my life boat, my saving grace. And that whatever happens be it heartache, bankruptcy, even death; there will be no love lost.



That’s it, the story is done. I know some of you may not agree about it ending here but I think it is a great place it leaves room for your minds to imagine so many other possibilities. But thank you, thank you guys so much. My inspiration for this story has come from you guys. I cannot even explain how much I appreciate all of the feedback! But more importantly I hope you guys have taken something positive from this story. Although this is a fictional story I hope you do understand that love like this does exist. Love that is persistent and endures trials even when everything seems to be going wrong. Love like this takes bravery, honesty, commitment, understanding… I have witnessed this type of love for myself in people that I know and I can only hope that you and I are able to find it one day. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I cannot say it enough. Also, this is the first story I have ever written and finished; so if you’re thinking about writing a story, go for it. Let this be your encouragement. 

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