The Winchester

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Alex led Ariana back to the bike . She watched as he bent over the bike to retrive the helmets . Then Alex turned to her

" I don't want to be doing this , but my boss can be very persistant to make sure they get what they want . "

Alex's face was hidden in shadow , making him barely visible , but Ariana could feel his eyes on her . She felt uneasy under his gaze , like she had something to admit and was seconds from telling him . Alex stared at her , then a loud rumble ripped through the silence of the night .

Alex climbed onto the bike , and beckoned Ariana onto it . She pulled on the helmet Alex handed her , then they were off through the night .

They stopped a while later , pulling up a shadowed building ; all Ariana could see , was lit up by the Harley Davidson's head-lights . Ariana climbed off the bike , followed by Alex . He loped towards the building , like an animal stalking it's prey . Ariana walked behind him , and glanced up as they passed the sign of the building . Written in spiky , blood red letters were the words : The Winchester .

A shot of fear flew through Ariana's body , practically freezing her spine . Alex turned around , glancing at Ariana impatiently . He raised his eyebrows , and held the wooden door open for her . Inside The Winchester , dark silk hung from the ceiling , shrouding the room . Ariana turns around , stunned . Alex smirks at her reaction then walks past her to the reception desk . He pulled out two fifty dollar bills , and handed them to the receptionist . She glanced down at a book , then nodded and handed Alex two room keys .

He came back to Ariana smiling and handed her a room key . She looked down at the faded , scratched metal of the key . A small carving into it read : 13 .

" Well , " Alex said , looking down at Ariana , a small smile on his face , it changed Alex's face totally . His eyes were still dark and guarded , but there was a certain change in the depths of his stormy eyes . Ariana felt captivated beneath Alex's gaze , almost like a deer caught in headlights . "What do you want to do now ?"

Ariana could only think of one answer to his question , and that was :

" I want answers , now . " Ariana's voice was hard , like stone . Alex's eyebrows shot up , virtually invisible beneath his fringe . Ariana almost laughed , as the mask held so perfectly on Alex's face slipped and true emotion showed for the first time on his face . Surprise and a small amount of fear slipped through the cracks . Alex nodded , seeming stunned , he turned away and Ariana followed him . The receptionist smiled at Ariana with sparkling black eyes .

" You just shocked him " She whispered , grinning . Ariana smiled . Alex turned back , impatiently pointing up the stairs . Ariana nodded , and whispered to the woman :

" I know . I'll talk to you when he's done with me . I'm Ariana "

The woman smiled , her eyes lighting up with amusement and kindness . Ariana liked her instantly .

" I'm Fianna "

" Ariana , " Alex said , eyes flashing indignantly . " If you want to talk , this century would be okay with me "

Ariana rolled her eyes and continued up the stairs , past Fianna , and into the unknown . Alex led her upstairs to his room , and after unlocking the door  he  beckoned Ariana inside . She stepped in , and took in the surroundings as Alex switched the lights on .

A four poster bed stood in the centre of the room , stranded in a world of burgendy sheets and soft lighting . Two chairs sat near to a lighted fire , similar to the one down stairs ; like a parellel universe . Ariana smiled , then turned to Alex who was watching her closely with narrowed eyes .

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