All We Know(Is Falling)

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When we walked in they all turned to look at us Rosalie especially. I absorbed Edward's power to match their thoughts

to their expressions.

"Ugh who is this bitch Alice brought into the house,"thought Rose. I smiled I knew her real problem with me was once again jealousy,but it was probably not about my blatant lack of respect for mortality this time now I knew that she was threatened by my beauty.

I looked towards Emmett,but he wasn't thinking of anything so I switched to Jasper.

"Who is this blonde,is this Isabella?Why is she feeling all these emotions hate,betrayal,love,sadness,all the emotions of a broken heart."

I immediately shut him out he had to be lying,love. How could I have a broken heart when I had forgotten how to love.


"I had a great time with you tonight Bella." I gave him a shy smile as he used the name I knew meant that our relationship was taking its next step."Ditto" was all I could say back. He opened his mouth to say something else and internally my stomach did a whizzbangflipflop, please I thought,don't ruin this,"I-i think I'm in love you" he whispered.

"Oh,awesome."His face fell."I need to go powder my nose."He gave me a weak nod. When I got into the bathroom I jumped out the window and ran home.


"Isabella?" I looked up when I heard my name and felt an arm on my shoulder."I asked where you are from."


Edward who seemed to be deep in thought suddenly looked me dead in the eye. Crap Carlisle's question had caught me of guard and I'd said the first word on my mind.

Every single one of them had a confused look on their faces,then they all leaned in at the same time peering at my face. I leaned back uncomfortable I mean seriously it was creepy being stared at by seven different who weren't blinking or moving or breathing. Olivia coughed and they all went back to their original postures,except for Edward who zipped towards me and grabbed my face in his hand.

He turned my head from side to side trying to get a better view until he finally settled his gaze on my eyes. I dodged his eyes as they tried to peer into my soul. Suddenly he released me and ran upstairs.

Emmett broke the silence,"Dammmmmn." Rosalie slapped him over the head while Jasper tried to stifle a laugh. Carlisle interpreted what Emmett meant"What Emmett so kindly meant to say was that Edward has had it rough after a relationship he was in ended badly."

Now I really wasn't interested but I faked some enthusiasm"Aw, what happened."I couldn't wait to hear their excuses for never looking for me.

"Well it all started when Forks High School received a new student,Isabella Swan. Eventually one thing led to another and Edward and Bella fell in love,but as you know the Volturi are very strict about their rules,and Edward had broken one by introducing a human to the world of vampires. After a Series Of Unfortunate Events he decided to fulfill her wishes and change her into a vampire with his only wish being that they were married before they tried anything risky on their honeymoon.

Not a day later he returned home wifeless and in distress,he had explained to us that Bella no longer loved him and had wished that neither him nor any of us ever looked for her ever again."

By the end of his story my mouth was hanging wide open in shock,which was a good enough expression for them to believe that I was as disgusted by the story as they were. Too bad it was actually the exact opposite. I was disgusted by Edward how dare he tell his family that I had decided to end things with him,what would my excuse for leaving even have been.

"So she just left him?"I enquired

"It would seem so."Carlisle responded.

"But they seemed so happy,I guess, I just don't believe that this Bella would have it in her to leave him. From what I got from the story they seemed like soulmates."I listened for some sort of response but all I felt was pain, I felt like I was going to pass out. No! I couldn't pass out my appearance would fade. I looked to Olivia for some sort of help before my eyes closed and I felt myself falling.


"But they seemed so happy,I guess, I just don't believe that this Bella would have it in her to leave him. From what I got from the story they seemed like soulmates."I felt sad for mom I knew immediately who the story was about when the blonde whom assumed to be the leader finished his story,but he had gotten everything backwards.

I saw my mom's head turn an she looked me in the eyes they portrayed pain,and she began to sway she looked as if she was going to faint. Great! how was I going to explain why our hair suddenly reverted back to its original red-brown. Or how my eyes would turn from their sea-foam green to my mom's old muddy brown.

Suddenly she dropped my hand and fell to the ground her blonde waves turning brown a she hit the floor,and my own small braid darkened to back to its original brown.

Nonchalantly I began whistling and took a few small steps away from her hoping to randomly direct the conversation to something but everyone watched silently until. Edward who apparently had been frozen on the top of the steps broke the silence as he rushed to her side then turned to look at me and yelled"WHAT THE HELL!"



If your a regular reader did you like what I did with this last chapter??? If not I really hope your liking it so far :D


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