Chapter 6.3: A Glimmer of Hope

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The marauders drew their blasters and took aim, the hum of the agitators springing into action. Lights flashed in the air as the light rounds emerged from the blasters and made their way to the target. But the light rounds behaved oddly. They hit the target but lost momentum. The Goddess Essence within them was being sapped and absorbed. Without the benefit of the power of the Goddess Essence, the light rounds dropped to the ground, turning into inert pieces of iron.

Vannah smiled, leaning upon her staff and turned to Mykall. "This is not the Goddess Essence. This power is emanating directly from her, and is not residual energy. It's far greater than that. These marauders are outclassed. The difference in power is too great." The aura that emanated from Mina continued to grow. The telekinetic power that the Warlocks wielded had been completely nullified in the circle of light that bathed the knoll.

The wolves howled loudly, their anguish carrying over the wind. There was a significant contrast between the outside world and the circle that surrounded Mina. Outside, total darkness still reigned supreme.

"Daylight..." Mykall said. "This is what Daylight is like..." he barely finished the sentence when Vannah crumpled to the ground.


Mykall quickly rushed over to Vannah, concerned for the frail young girl.

"The aura is too much for me," Vannah said, breathing heavily. "I need to get out of the circle." Seeing the look of concern in the warrior's eyes, she added: "Do not worry about me, they are after the two of you and I can hold my own. I will meet you after this is all over."

Mykall nodded. "Let me clear a path for you." He ran into the crowd of Marauders. They quickly parted, evading him. No one wanted to get cut clean in half if they could avoid it.

"Now!" Mykall shouted as he stood in the middle of the partition he had just created, occasionally swinging his sword to deter any Marauders who chose to close back in. Vannah hurried through the space that Mykall had created, limping and leaning heavily on her staff. One of the marauders attempted to stop her, but Mykall quickly found and took care of him, The Marauder's mask popped off and the man's face was revealed, showing where the katana traced a clean line of red across the man's face. Blood gushed from the wound and the man dropped dead. The remaining Marauders were convinced that going after Vannah was not a wise decision.

"Thanks." Vannah nodded an acknowledgement to Mykall, then pointed to Mina atop the hill. "Now worry about our little Goddess over there instead." The aura from Mina's circle of light was monstrous at this point. The wolves could not get within ten feet of her without getting thrown back. For a moment, Mykall was concerned that the circle would reach critical mass, that the concentration of energy would be too great, too difficult to control.

Warlocks and Marauders alike turned their backs and fled at this point. They would not tempt fate and risk direct confrontation with such a force. Mykall decided not to give chase. They had won for now, but it would only be a matter of time before a larger force would return. They were fugitives now. No one draws that kind of attention without any consequences. They would be hunted until they were found or killed.

Satisfied that they were safe for the moment, Mykall turned his attention instead to Mina, whose eyes were still shut, and who was seemingly oblivious to the frenzy of energy she had unleashed and the devastating effects it had had on the small army that had meant to take them. Then, just like that, Mina opened her eyes, beautiful, brown eyes that held a gentle calm.

Mina turned to Mykall and smiled. The aura was now fading steadily, and the glow that had once completely bathed the knoll in glorious sunlight was rapidly receding. When it was all over, Mina collapsed to the ground like a puppet, her strings cut, her energy spent.

Mykall quickly rushed to her side and knelt before her. As he did, a flash of memory emerged.

In the name of King Raniel, I proclaim you a Knight of House Talanoth. You bow before no one but your King now. Stand with pride Sir Mykall.

The memory was hazy, but insistent. He had done this before. The kneeling was familiar, an action repeated many times, a well practiced routine of genuflecting before the King, or was it someone else? A woman?

"Remember me always."

It felt right, as if he had come back home.

"Why do you brood so much when you are here with me?"

"I am already dreading the time we will spend apart."

"But we are together now, my Knight. Let the world drown itself in its worries. When I am here, do not worry about anything else."

"Are they gone?" Mina asked.

Mykall brought himself back into the moment. "For now, yes." Mykall spoke softly, the memory was still there, nagging and insistent. "You drove them away."

Mina smiled back. "I did it...I saved my friends." She closed her eyes and lost consciousness.


Dedicated to @LeannaMExius, whose daughter I am told, happens to enjoy Kuro :)

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