Chapter 7 - The Plan B of the missing room key.

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Jack's P.O.V. 

Poor Kian. He was laying in his hospital bed fast asleep. I always thought it would have been impossible for someone who lives in California to not know how to swim. Kian. Its been 5 hours since kian was knocked out and I called 911. I haven't left this hotel room since we got here. "I miss you Kian" I whispered. He and I were the only ones in his room. 

I had never been so worried for someone in my life. It was scary. I had no Idea I could care about one person so much. 

I feel like i'm falling in love with him. But i'm afraid. I don't want to fall in love, i'll only be broken again. 

What's the point of love if you always end up broken. 

"Kcaj" Kian mumbled.


I got up from my seat to go go stand beside his bed. 

"mmmmmm............... dare..................kisajldjfla;jfld" he mumbled again.

"Kian just...... wake up... please".

I watched Kian's eyes fly open and he sat up with a jolt. 

"WhAT whERe am I"??? Kian said inbetween breaths.

"In the hospital. You were drowning". 

"NO BUT WE. Did we go to the beach. DID WE HOLD HANDS"???!!!???!?!? 

"No Kian, we didn't go to the beach and we didn't hold hands.". 

"I can hold your hand if you want me to".  I suggested. 

At first he looked as though if he like the idea, but then he just sighed and layed back down.

"No it's fine".

Fine. You know what's fine? You are. Mmm. Jawbone. Lips. Eyebrows. Hair. Shoulders. Everything. 

"Oh good, you're awake". Dr. Collins said as he walked in Kian's hospital room.

I met him when we first got here, and we made quite the aquaintences of eachother. He was really nice, and not creepy like most male Doctors are.

"Am I going to be okay" Kian said. It was cute, he was kind of slow from the small amount of morphine he was given. And to top it off he had a very tired voice. Tumblr was right, serioulsly the sexiest voice ever.

"Is Jack alright"??!!

"Jack is fine, and you're okay. A small amount of water got into your lungs, but we already removed it. You should be fine. And You're free to go after you eat. But just take it easy, Okay?".  He said as he gave both of us a strange look. 

"Oh. Um. Kian....... and I  aren't dating".

Dr. Collins smiled and walked out of the room. He muttered something along the lines of "well not yet". I heard his comment, but I wasn't sure if Kian had". 

"That means no Playlist until tomorrow". I said. I expected him to be sad, because tonight was the district lines party. 

But he smiled wide, and showed no sign of  disapointment. "Well I guess that just means i'll have to spend tonight with you. And you'll have to take care of me." 

I had a mind smile. I could almost think that he actually didn't hate me. But I knew it was the morphine talking.

"Hey did you tell any of the guys we were at the hospital"? 

"No, I wanted to wait until you woke up". I said.

"Good, can we just keep this between us? Sam is the only one that knows I can't swim".

A stroke of luck from Mr. Sheeran (A Kian Lawley Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now