why did you want e master? Chapter 11

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It’s been a week. Every night Mekoto does something, and every night the voice takes over. Mekoto said that I really get vicious when night falls. He says that I leave claw marks and I bit and I scratch, and if it wasn’t for the restraints on me or the drugs he uses, he said I would have probably tried to kill him by now. I also apparently speak like a sailor, cursing him out worse than when I found out about him kidnapping Molly, but I didn’t curse that much because Molly was in the room.

It was noon, so Mekoto was out at work. I was in the “safety” room playing with Molly. By ‘safety’, they mean a room with soft walls and soft floors, and nothing inside that someone could seriously hurt themselves with.  During the day, I stay with Molly, during the night; I am forced into Mekoto’s room, to give him company. I shivered as the thought went through my head.

“So when do you think these mean people will let us go home? I miss Xander! We had just decided how to design our room, and were going to work on it this week. “She spoke with tears forming in her eyes.

“I miss home!” she cried as she hung onto me. I held her and patted her back, making soothing noises and whispering calming words into her ear. After I calmed her down, she sniffled and her tears stopped.

“Don’t worry honey, I’ll get you out of here, don’t worry. Just try to hang in there for a little longer. I promise I’ll get you home as soon as I can.” I smiled down at her and pulled her close to me.  We spent the rest of the day trying to get our minds off of things. When night fell, one of Mekoto’s men came to get me, the main man named Tobe (said like toby).  I hugged Molly goodbye and walked out of the room and around to corner. Tobe was only there to unlock the door when it was time. They knew I wouldn’t run with Molly still here. I walked a little further down the darkly lite stone hall and into Mekoto’s room. The room was large and had two other doors to it. A bathroom to the left and a closet to the right.  I walked over to the bathroom, going in a striping. Mekoto should be back in about half an hour. I jumped into the shower and washed up. I hated the feeling of grime and sweat on my skin. I washed up quickly and changed in about fifteen minutes. I spent the rest of the time sitting on the bed, staring at the floor, and thinking.

What is master doing right now? In my head, I imaged him standing in front of the fireplace in his study, pacing back and forth. One of the servants would walk in, and he would look up hopefully, but the servant would just tell him that they were not having any luck finding me. He would look sad for a moment, then angry. He would yell at the servant not to bother him in till I was found. I smiled fondly at the thought though I knew it was all my imagination. He was probably just pissed that his toy was missing and he was stuck with a kid to watch, with no gain. At that thought, I thought about Xander. He must be so upset. His only two family members were missing, and he knew that we had not left willingly. He knows we would never do that.  Knowing him, he was thinking the worst. He was more of a pessimist, unlike his sister who always tried to look on the bright side.

I was shocked from my thoughts when I was pushed down onto the bed. My eyes widened as I looked up at Mekoto. His eyes were shining as his evil smile spread across his face. I tried to move away, but he held me in place. His head lowered and came in contact with my neck, leaving more marks like every night. I shrank back into the covers, trying to get away. He pulled away for a moment, thinking.

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