Pepperony pizza likes shawarma?

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Natasha: they're so cute when they're asleep!

Clint: yeah!

Tony: 0.0

Pepper: oh tony just because you're going to be a dad doesn't mean it's the end of the world!

Tony: 0.0

Pepper: oh never mind!

Natasha: I went to the gym this morning!

Clint: really?

Natasha: yup! I'm determined to get back on my feet and start being a shield agent again!

Clint: cool... Ali's crying!

Natasha: Durr she ate like three hours ago!

Clint: oh...

Natasha: there see she's happy!

Clint: did she tell you that?

Natasha: no but she stopped crying!

Clint: Alex is crying...

Natasha: check to see if his pants need to be changed

Clint: eww yup!

Pepper: you guys got this figured out!

Natasha: it took like six days but now it's a good system!

Pepper: ugh I feel sick...

Tony: aww poor you!

Clint: Alex is crying again!

Natasha: I'll trade you, Ali needs a new diaper

Bruce: isn't it gross doing diaper duty?

Clint: not really, Nat is the only one who can feed them.

Bruce: pump!

Clint: not enough

Natasha: I usually get up in the night for them, so that Clint isn't too sleep deprived

Bruce: ah!

Tony: pointy electric things! Gotta love them!

Pepper: if he hulks out...

Bruce: I've been taking anger management classes!

Natasha: Alex Is out cold! :)

Clint: ow ow ow!! Ali's gumming me!!!

Natasha: -__- why'd you stick your finger in her mouth?

Clint: I dunno!

Natasha: >.

Clint: ah she let go!

Pepper: I'm craving shawarma for some reason...

Natasha: a chance to use the new stroller!

(Natasha Is offline)

Clint: where does she find the time?

(Clint is offline)

Tony: SHAWARMA!!!!!!

(Tony is offline)

Everyone else: SHAWARMA !!!!!!!!'

(Everyone is offline)

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